While the last episode is basically the beginning of the end, this is where Kukuru becomes really upset. She doesn’t want to see Gama Gama go away. However, a typhoon hits Okinawa, which take whatever remains of Kukuru’s dream.
Obviously, Kukuru is not taking the closure of Gama Gama well. It’s not too surprising given her abrupt social media post about these illusions that not everyone can see. Of course, Kukuru’s grandfather finally reveals the reason.

As expected, he didn’t say that he is closing it because he wants to retire. After all, he is still relatively active and healthy. No, the main reason is because of the upkeep. Most of the equipment and infrastructure are too old and costly to replace. Of course, Kukuru becomes upset as she thinks that she can simply repair it if it goes bad. Of course, as she finds out with the Typhoon, her dream doesn’t seem realistic.

In a Hail Mary to save Gama Gama, Kukuru decides to barricade herself. Yes, to prevent her grandfather from closing it. Yep, she even put-up signs to protest his decision. I understand that it’s hard for to let go of it. Yes, Kukuru is being irrational and stubborn. However, it’s not too surprising since she is a teenager after all about to become an adult soon. Then again, she is going the anger stage of grief.

In the end, everyone went home as Kukuru stayed at the aquarium. Yes, she did all the tasks while a typhoon is about to hit. Fuuka eventually comes back to the aquarium since she is worried about Kukuru. Sure, she doesn’t allow her to enter at first, but it’s obvious that Fuuka wants to help Kukuru out. Still, it’s obvious that Kukuru wants Fuuka to go home as she can handle everything herself.
However, things take a turn for the worse as the Typhoon causes power outages all over the island. While there is a generator, it can only work for seven hours. Since Kukuru realizes that some marine life can’t survive without power, they prepared to protect the sea life. Still, I am surprised that Kukuru didn’t put up plywood on the windows but just tape them. Obviously, the Typhoon is going to cause a lot of damage no matter what.

Of course, while they spent hours over night making the preparations to protect the sea life, this is where Kukuru’s depression stage settles in. After Kukuru hears a rock shatter a window, she and Fuuka barricaded it with a table. Eventually, everything started falling apart with pipes falling and more windows shattering. Obviously, Kukuru becomes depressed as she stands there. The Typhoon is going to take Gama Gama away just like what happened to her parents. It’s kind of sad to look at. Then, the power goes out.

Of course, Fuuka tries to comfort Kukuru ensuring her it’s not over. Despite losing the aquarium Kukuru treasures the most, there is still a future. Yes, that means the animals too. From this, the fortune from Undon’s mother makes sense about finding a new path. As the saying goes, one door closes and another opens. Thankfully, with Fuuka’s help, she snapped out of it and helped rescue the sea life. Eventually, the rest of the workers come to help.

With that, Kukuru after she experienced the five stages of grief, she eventually accepted the fate of the aquarium. It’s simply not safe for the sea life to stay there as Gama Gama’s infrastructure falls apart.
From this, this makes me wonder, what is next. It’s obvious that Fuuka is probably not going to take the movie gig. I think she is done being an idol. I have a feeling that Fuuka taking this offer will only bring back bad memories from her past. Maybe Kukuru and Fuuka will find a new dream together. Perhaps Fuuka will transfer schools to be with her or Kukuru tag along with her.
After what Kukuru went through, she is going to need all that emotional support. Still, I don’t see her working at another aquarium, especially what happened regarding Kukuru’s splat with “Karen” Chiyu. But it’s something we’ll find out soon enough. But even with that, this was a very depressing episode to watch, but hopefully something good comes out of it.
It had its depressing moments I would agree but there was some positives to take from the episode too. Fuuka reached out to Kuhuru in her crucial moment and whatever rift they had with was quickly forgotten.
The fact Fuuka was there in her time of need was uplifting and one hopes it is an act that is not forgotten. It does suggest the girls will stick together whatever they do. I just hope they manage to get a place in some aquarium soon!
I also found that the ending provided a good sense of closure even for Kukuru who was in total denial. The fact things were so close to disaster allowed Kuruhu to realise what was most important. The fishes future rather than her dreams. It just begs the question of what will happen next?
Yes, it’s a downer episode, but it’s good that Fuuka came to help her and of course give some moral support as Kukuru’s dream cumbles. Still, I also wonder what will happen soon and we will definately see some closure to this soon.
Also, I notice that you are putting the link to your blog in the comment. I would prefer you to use the URL frield so it won’t make the comment section look tacky and the spam filter may mark the comment as spam if you do it this way. By providing a URL in the URL field, the link will be added to your name. If you are using a WordPress.com account to comment, you can add the link to your blog by going to your Account settings and specifying the web address settings there. If not, put the link in the URL field. It should remember it every time you want to make a comment on this blog. Just a FYI.
Really that is the big question. I think at this point even a timeskip could be on the cards. Whatever happens though I expect them to be managing some aquarium by the seasons end.
As for the url thing I tried the website heading a few times before adding it to my posts. The issue I had was that heading did not accept it saying the website does not exist.
Don’t know why but I finally got the website heading to work!
Sad to see they most likely failed to save the aquarium. Sad Kukuru was hard to watch. Poor dear. Good thing Fuuka was there for her.
Wonder what will happen between the two next time to set up the 2nd half?