It seems that Sorawo became a bit scared over seeing a strange man telling to forget about a girl and go home. If they return, they become stuck in the Urasekai. This causes her to become worried about Toriko. Of course, this led to a reaction that Sorawo didn’t expect.
After facing several near-death experiences in the Urasekai, Sorawo becomes a bit worried. It becomes more apparent when she sees a strange middle-aged man called the Space-Time man that people suddenly encounter protecting intrusions into the Urasekai.
Of course, Sorawo tells Toriko after having sweets that getting into several near-death situations trying to find Satsuki, worries her. She wants Toriko to give it up since she thinks Satsuki is long gone. As expected, her actual reason she wants to stop this is because she is simply afraid of being afraid.

Of course, Toriko did not take it well and decides to wonder off in the Urasekai to find her on her own. It’s obvious that Sorawo fears being trapped in the world, which causes her to say things she didn’t mean to say. Sadly, she couldn’t say it in a way that Toriko won’t become upset over.

Yep, to try to fix this, Sorawo enlists Kozakura’s help. It’s obvious that Sorawo wants to mend things with Toriko, but she isn’t home. As expected, Kozakura is reluctant, even after Sorawo shows her the picture of a strange woman entering the building looking a lot like Satsuki. Then again, it can be a trap since you can’t trust anything in that world since it plays on one aspect of human’s emotions.

To make things worse, three strangers are banging on Kozakura’s home front door. After she took her riffle and opened the door, there was nobody there. However, a big face appeared and Kozakura shoots it. Unknowingly, this brings them to the Urasekai and Kozakura panics. Yep, it’s bound to happen since she is not an outdoor type of person, but more to the likes of Futaba Anzu. Not only that, she came totally unprepared still wearing her clothes she usually wears at home.

Aside from Kozakura complaining about her clothing, her feet becoming wet, and being physically worn out, we do learn a thing about Sorawo. Yep, she had bad luck since her mother died when she is young, and her father and grandmother joined some cult.
In other words, Sorawo had nowhere to go as they tried to abduct her and burn down the manga café she usually goes to. In the end, her father and grandma eventually died from some gas poisoning. Sorawo decided to take on student loan debt to go to college. As they say, what she got to lose? This can explain her pessimistic view of life. That is, before she met Toriko, which she worries about. Still, that is pretty messed up.

Eventually, Sorawo spotted Toriko and tried to get her attention. Of course, it didn’t work. As expected, that creepy Space-Time man appeared again to mess with her head again. Thankfully, Kozakura is there to snap her out. What is creepy is that Sorawo saw plants shaped like humans. However, Kozakura can’t see them.

While Kozakura stays put, Sorawo tries to find Toriko. After following a figure that looks like her, Sorawo manages to find Toriko in a trance. She thought that she found Satsuki. However, it’s a trap as the thing Toriko thinks is Satsuki is a monster.

Against Toriko’s will, Sorawo decides to defeat it, which releases her from the trance. Still, it took that long for Sorawo to realize that fear is what allow these supernatural creatures take control of humans. I guess she realizes this after experiencing this several times.

For the last three episodes, Sorawo got into several near-death situations. It’s always Toriko that ends up saving her. I find it interesting that Sorawo is the one that save Toriko from this supernatural event after she realizes it’s not Satsuki.

In the end, Toriko makes up with her after the stuff she said after trying to find a way out. Even so, it’s obvious that Toriko will drag Sorawo into another adventure after she faced another near-death experience. I guess Sorawo can’t say no. Even so, I find it funny how Sorawo and Toriko forgot about Kozakura. Thankfully, she is safe in the real world, but in an abandoned town. It’s obvious that she will give Sorawo and Toriko a mouthful for that.
More Kozakura goodness.
That Sorawo backstory tho. I have no words. Toriko’s sounds more reasonable than hers.
Space-Time Man was yet another scary bastard.
Always nice to see more Kozakura, especially when she is forced to go outside of her house. Still, I agree that Sorawo went through a lot of crap. Those cults are dangerous.