After Toriko and Sorawo barely made it out a live after defeat, things are never normal again as in their appearences.

At the start of the episode, Toriko cornered Sorawo. This makes it seems like she was going to do something intimate. Nope, she wanted to take a picture of her eyes since her right eye. Also, Toriko showed her left hand, which is growing. It’s obvious that this happened because Sorawo looked at the Wiggle-Waggle a bit too long. Also, Toriko’s left hand become strange because she desperate took those things around Sorawo’s eyes off. Still, is this a bad thing? Not really, more on that later.

Given this, Toriko takes Sorawo to visit the researcher she sells her cubes to check on it. Yes, it’s Kozakura. It’s what I expect as she spends much of her days in front of the computer. Either way, Toriko shows what happened to her left hand and Sorawo’s right eyes.
Either way, Kozakura explains the fourth kind encounters, which had a physical impact on Toriko’s and Sorawo’s physical parts of the body. Yes, she even explains how people encounter them and becoming enthralled by the Urasekai. As a result, some may never return. It also seems that Toriko’s and Kozakura’s friend, Satsuki pulled them into this stuff. Yes, Satsuki dragged Kozakura to do the research. Sadly, she disappeared and Toriko is looking for her since she disappeared three months ago. Still, I wonder, where did she go?

After showing Kozakura another cube, which is a lot bigger, she exchanges it for money. Sadly, Kozakura can’t do anything about Toriko’s hand or Sorawo’s eyes. However, there is something special behind this later. More on that later.

Besides splitting the money Toriko earned, they continued their search for Satsuki. After arriving in the Urasekai, they ran into someone with a gun. He warned them about traps, or glitches after he dropped a screw, and it disappeared. As a result, some don’t make it alive.
Apparently, he is looking for his wife at disappeared suddenly. He came in by a gate at a shrine. The situation is very similar to Toriko’s. He shows them the way out, but it seems that its leading them to these supernatural monsters.
Eventually, they found footprints to a mansion. Sorawo has a bad feeling about this as they are not ordinary human footprints. She becomes hesitant and want to run, but she becomes worried about Toriko.
Yes, it seems that the man and Toriko is becoming attracted to that lady. Sorawo sees something strange around the lady, which is the ability of her right eye. She can see things that others can’t. Of course, the man falls for it and he falls in the trap and disappears. This shocks Sorawo, driving her to stop Toriko.

However, Toriko won’t stop. Eventually, Sorawo grabs Toriko’s arm. Well, she grabbed the arm of the creepy lady that is a monster. She almost fell into the trap, but thankfully Toriko drove the monster off temporarily. It’s obvious that the monster lady is using Sorawo’s feelings for Toriko against her.

Now that they know which one is the monster, it seems that they don’t know how to defeat it. However, with Sorawo having the ability to pinpoint the monster’s weak point with her right eye, she has Toriko grab the monster with her left hand. After it become immobilized, Sorawo shoots its weak point and defeats it. With that, they are brought back to the real world near a shrine.

As expected, what happened to Toriko’s left and Sorawo’s right eye is not bad after all. It seems that they gained the ability to interact with the supernatural beings in the world. Even so, it looks like Toriko and Sorawo need to depend on each other to defeat them. Still, I wonder Toriko’s and Sorawo’s relationship develops from here. We must wait and see as they explore the madness known as the Urasekai.