With 2019 almost ending, it’s time to take a look of some shows I plan to watch along with some life updates. As always, this list is subject to change.
Life Updates
As mentioned in the Fall 2019 anime season post, my fortunes finally took a turn to the better. After doing about 6 interviews throughout the whole year, I finally got a job offer. Not one, but two, one in which I didn’t interview for and didn’t expect to received.
I ended up picking one and the final offer have come recently from the Department of Treasury. It took a bit longer than my first job since it’s a competitive service open to the public federal job, but at least I can finally have my life back. Of course, I won’t make the same mistakes as I have learned from them. Moreover, I gained experience from focusing on my business while I looked for a job, so that helps too. With that, I will only be covering three shows per season at most due to reduction in free time. Also, I want to spend my free time creating other anime related content as well.
That said, you might notice that in the past few months, I have been doing mostly episodic posts. I hoped to write some manga reviews, but I haven’t had the chance to finish the first volume of Machikado Mazoku. By now, I wanted to start reading Koisuru Asteroid by now, but I got side tracked of packing stuff from my old house in Pennsylvania and looking for a new house somewhere in Montgomery County, Maryland. I plan to stay there in the long term since there are a lot more job opportunities, at least in the Federal Government around the DC area. Things will settle down relatively soon, so I can catch up on my manga and finish Pocket Monsters Sword and Shield. Also, I will have the 12 Days of Anime post out by Christmas Eve.
Of course, things didn’t work out as things are in limbo and my old house is finally sold and some of my stuff is in storage. In other words, I have no place and obviously I need to push back my start date. Eventually things will work out in the end. This can explain the lack of other content since my weekends are mostly diving back and forth from New Jersey, where I am living, for now to Maryland. I think I finally found the place I wanted to live and hopefully things will work out this time. I guess things will be erratic at least until I can get settled at the new place and start my job, most likely in late January/early February.
Lastly, we finally updated WPTouch Pro after it being woefully outdated for three years. Also, we finally updated WordPress to the latest version and overcame the fears of Gutenberg ruining everything. In other words, I still use the Classic Editor plugin. My motivation in doing this is simple. Some plugins are not supporting WordPress 4.9.x anymore despite the WordPress core still receiving security updates. This can become a cyber security nightmare for that reason alone.
Since it’s already a year since the first release of WordPress 5.x came out, I think it’s stable enough to make the leap. Not only that, I also updated PHP to 7.2 after 5.4 stop receiving updates. As expected, I need to update that soon.
The plans of just using Genesis Framework’s responsive design with a custom theme I created didn’t quite work out. It just doesn’t provide a good enough mobile experience, especially on smaller screen devices such as the iPhone 5/SE. I just don’t have the time to keep fiddling around with it. I would rather spend other time creating content or working on my other projects than tinkering with a theme.
Since I am working and will be making a good living, I can afford renewing the yearly subscription. It’s probably worth it and a good investment. Most likely a good percentage of my readers view my blog on mobile devices. That said, we will eventually have our blog mascot images and banner images out sometime in 2020. As always, the advertisements will remain to help fund future improvements to the blog and creating other content.
With that, I will share my full plans for 2020 very soon. That said, here are my picks for Winter 2020.
Magia Record
Air Date: January 4, 2020
Studio: Shaft
I have to admit that I enjoyed Madoka Magica and magical girl anime in general. I hyped myself up by finally watching and reviewing the 3rd Madoka Magica movie. That said, I have played the Japanese version of the game every day before the English version came out and enjoyed it. Believe it or not, I still play both the Japanese and English versions of the game and I enjoyed the story and the characters. Not only that, I also read the first volume of the manga adaptation in Japanese.
While the anime adaptation will be slightly different from the game, I look forward to it along with the new additional anime-only character to the cast.
Koisuru Asteroid
Air Date: January 3, 2020
Studio: Doga Kobo
After a long shortage of Manga Time Kirara adaptations, we finally hit gold in 2020. Yes, this is one of the several adaptations that will air in 2020. This one focuses on stargazing. From the description, I think there might be some yuri pairing potential. I haven’t read the first volume of the manga, but hope to do so soon.
Bang Dream 3rd Season
Air Date: January 23, 2020
Studio: SANZIGEN Animation Studio
After a sizable hiatus and a feature film, the 3rd season is finally here. Thankfully the drama with Tae throwing Poppin’ Party in turmoil over being a temporary guitarist for RAISE A SUILEN is over, have Rokka finally found a band to join. I think that Chu2 will finally recruit her. We’ll find out soon enough.
That said, this is what I plan to watch and cover. Any other shows that are not mentioned here and I decide to watch will receive a first impressions post and a review in the end. With that, feel free to share what you plan to watch in the comments.
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