Now that Haruka and Kanata officially becomes partners, they prepare for the upcoming tournament. First, Haruka needs to resolve the last hurdle before that happens.
Haruka introduces herself to class at the start of the third semester. After school, she notices that Kanata is missing and turns down plans made by two of her classmates. She eventually discovers that Kanata is practicing pokeys. Haruka mentions to Claire that she wants to get closer to Kanata. Claire suggests working on her skills and she is willing to train her. During practice, she noticed something about Haruka’s swimsuit. Kanata manages to fix it. In the end, the girls decide to go shopping for swimsuits the next day.
While Haruka wants to buy a certain swimsuit, two girls, Tanahara Ai and Sunagawa Mai beaten them to it. Haruka played rock-paper-scissors with Mai for them but lost. Haruka decides on an alternative that Kanata would like with a special pattern sewn. The next day, Haruka had a secret training session with Claire. Meanwhile, Emily tells Kanata the promise Narumi made to her about Kanata. They eventually went to the venue that Haruka is training at. From there, Kanata starts calling Haruka by her first name only and Haruka does the same.

From last time, it seems that Kanata have built enough trust to partner with Haruka. It’s not surprising since Haruka gave Kanata the push to not be afraid of doing the pokey. In turn, Kanata managed to get her mojo back.

Still, it seems that Haruka still have a lot of work cut out for her. Kanata still calls Haruka by her first name with honorifics and Haruka does the same. It’s apparent that Kanata doesn’t fully trust Haruka because of her lack of skills. As seen from last episode’s match, Kanata covered most of the field and did the blocking. It’s nice for Claire to point this out by drawing the scenario on the sand. If only Haruka improved her skills, perhaps she can get closer to Kanata.

During the training, Claire noticed something about Haruka’s swimsuit which is obvious. In short, the girls going swimsuit shopping is bound to happen given that they need matching pairs. I find it funny how Haruka found the ideal pair just to have it snatched away by another team. It’s obvious that Haruka isn’t going to get it given the poster image for the show. Still, it’s a nice way to introduce their potential rivals, Mai and Ai. As always, Emily does not approve the pick Claire made.

Either way, Haruka eventually goes for the swimsuit that Kanata wanted at first with a special twist. She reveals it during dinner. I find it funny how Haruka picked a Okinawan design, Misawhich means forever. It seems that Haruka didn’t realize the design she gave to Kanata is basically a declaration of love until Emily points it out. Even so, Haruka still confesses her love to Kanata. Kanata’s reaction was cute as her face turned red. It was too much for her to handle. Yes, the pairing is real, even if they are cousins.
Aside from that, it’s interesting that Narumi made a promise to Emily. Before leaving for Kyoto, Narumi realized that Kanata will eventually pair up with someone else even if she doesn’t want her to. Still, she made a promise for Emily to give the help Kanata needs when she finds someone who cares for her. Still, it’s interesting that Narumi still wants to uphold the promise she made to Kanata despite what happened. Either way, Emily eventually upholds her side of the bargain as she is able to give the push Kanata needs from last time.

When Kanata and Emily went into the secret training spot where Claire and Haruka, Kanata saw her bandaged hands. She finally realized that Haruka is trying to catch up to Kanata’s level for her sake.

Still, it seems that Kanata wanted Haruka to tell her she was doing first. Seeing Haruka blush like that and Kanata calling Haruka by just her first name and vice versa can mean only one thing. Yes, they finally gain full trust in each other. With that, we can expect great things from Haruka and Kanata soon.
We have gay twins, gay cousins, a gay boss couple and now gay mid-bosses. Keep ’em coming doods!
Nice, this show is full of yuri and it’s nice to see Haruka and Kanata become a reality and stronger.
I was absolutely astounded by the quality of this episode, particularly due to how yurirific it was. I never thought that they would take it this far all right, and I’m glad that nobody questions the shipping or there’s any excuses like “We’re both girls! ” cliche and everyone just kind of goes along with it. Such a beautiful show, truly my most favorite of the season by far, and I really likes how the eyes still looks beautiful and the soundtrack is simple and yet, very effective and distinguishable. I enjoyed the humming back at episode 3 when they showcased the old memory between Narumi and Kanata. I do not believe we’re still at subtext territory here, no matter what people would say because both Haruna and Kanata literally exploded in embarrassment. You don’t have shit like that happened once you’d announced of wanting to be friend and stuff. This is just pure, blissful romance. Added with the bonus that there’s literally almost no boys at all, that avoid the stupid scenes of generic background characters growing eyes made out of heart by seeing the girls in bikini, you have a specifically tailored masterpiece for an audience that crave stuff like that such as myself. Ah, Harukana Receive!!!
Definitely agree and definitely like how the pairings are working out. It was nice to see Narumi’s flashback, although she shouldn’t be worried as she found someone that she loves them more. But it’s nice to see Haruka and Kanata take their pairing to another level.
But yes, there have been a good number of yuri in this year Manga Time Kirara adaptations. Slow Start and Comic Girls have a good number of yuri pairings, but I think this show takes the cake for obvious reasons.