From the looks of it, Akiho finally gets her wish granted. Yes, Sakura, Meiling and Akiho goes to Tomoyo’s house to have a viewing party of various elementary school plays.
During the morning, Akiho tells Kaito the story she read. Meanwhile while Kero plays on a switch-like device, Sakura does Meiling’s hair. After Meiling talked to Syaoran on her cellphone and eventually Sakura too, they head to Tomoyo’s house. Aside from Tomoyo’s mother, Sonomi hugging Sakura, she greets Meiling and Akiho. Tomoyo eventually takes Sakura, Meiling and Akiho to the theater room. From there, they saw plays during their elementary school years and behind the scenes. Tomoyo continued to show them footage until a strange earthquake occurred. Sakura used the Snooze card on Akiho, Sonomi and her servants so she can deal with the card.
From last time, it’s quite fascinating that what happened in the last episode is exactly what happens in the story Akiho told. The animals that Akiho mentioned are exactly the same. Is Sakura taking Alice’s place in the story that Akiho is telling? Maybe. Still, it’s interesting that Akiho wants to be a rabbit. The funny thing is that she actually turned into an actual rabbit.

Aside from that, it’s interesting that Kero is playing a Mario Kart like game. The console actually resembles a Nintendo Switch, but with the buttons and cartridge slot put on the side. Still, it’s an interesting that a Switch-like device exists in the world after two years.
If you recall from the 10th episode, Sakura accidentally shows her battle costumes to Akiho. Sakura tries to say they are stage costumes and show her an album of photos taken during the play. Obviously, Akiho is curious about the plays Sakura took part in.
Finally, she gets that wish. It’s funny how Sakura becomes embarrassed as Tomoyo shows Meiling and Akiho the footage in the theater.

Of course, aside from the play cutting short because of the earthquake, Tomoyo shows the practice and rehearsal sessions. One of them in particular is Sakura practicing lines and eventually her dance with Syaoran. For those who watched the first season, this probably give many a lot of nostalgia. Still, it’s nice to see the scenes receive an upgrade in animation quality.

With that, we are left with a cliffhanger. Sure, Tomoyo seems disappointed that she can’t record Sakura this time. At least there is Kero to take her place. It’s easy to see why since Sakura needs to fly. Given that the next episode has a mysterious figure appearing, it’s going to be a two-card capture. Yes, it’s going to be fun.
That play is not exactly from the first season. It’s for the second movie, the sealed card, which I assumed it had been retconned due to Eriol’s house still being there. I was curious how the play went in this timeline (in the movie the sealed card started wreacking havoc during that part of the play). Now I’m left wondering if it was an actual earthquake that stopped this play or if the card exists afterall. It’s not like they could tell the truth with Akiho there.
I haven’t finished the first season let alone the movies so I am missing some details. Eventually, I will catch up on the prequels.
Obviously, they can’t tell Akiho… Still, something is still fishy with Kaito and Akiho given that she have the book.