Yes, it’s that time again. It’s time to answer some questions with the second Sunshine Blogger Award. You can see my first award post back in 2015 over here. This time, this nomination comes from OG-Man, who writes a blog called The Yuri Nation. With that, it’s time to answer some questions that he provided.
Is there an anime that you’ve never finished, but you still hope to one day?
Believe it or not, there is plenty of shows that I started watching, but ended up on the backlog. The backlog is pretty big as seen on MyAnimeList. There are some reasons ranging from lack of time, fan subs (or legal streams nowadays), or that I completely forgot them. Some of these titles are ones that I own on DVDs. Since the list is too big, I can’t name ones I would finish first.
Have you ever cried while watching anime? If so, which anime was it?
Back in 2009 when I started watching anime, probably the saddest Anime during that time is probably during Clannad After Story (although the prequel has these moments too). There is chuck full of these sad moments. The more notable ones are:
- Nagisa passing away during pregnancy
- The moment where Tomoya hugs his daughter, Ushio for the first time
- Ushio dies in Tomoya’s arm and of course, his death as well from freezing to death.
Of course, if I finished Anohana, it would dominate this question.
Everybody seems to have guilty pleasures, shows they might not want to admit that they like. Do you have one?
I have written a whole editorial on what shows I would consider guilty pleasures/so bad it’s good shows back in 2015. If you don’t feel like checking out that post to find out, I will list them here:
Milky Holmes, Shining Hearts ~ Happiness of Bread~, Ore Twintail ni Narimasu, and Ore no Imouto Finale.
What’s the best song that you’ve heard this year?
There are plenty, so I may as well list them. I am only focusing on the releases over the past year.
- Fhána – 青空のラプソディ (Blue Sky Rhapsody) – Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Opening
- TrySail (Natsukawa Shiina, Momo Asukara, Amayama Sora) – adrenaline!!! (Eromanga Sensei Ending), かかわり(Connection), オリジナル。(Original., Demi Chan Wa Kataritai Opening), Tailwind, and BraveSail
- Minase Inori – Almost every song in the album, “Innocent Flower”, most notably: 夢のつぼみ (Dream’s Bud), Starry Wish (Vivid Strike Ending), and Innocent Flower.
- Ueda Reina – Almost every song in the album, “RefRain”
- Blend A (Waki Azumi, Kitou Akari, Haruno Anzu) – ぼなぺてぃーと♥ S (Bon Appétit♥S) – Blend S Opening
Do you have a nickname, and if so, how did you get it?
During my grade school years, people called me Jimmy or Jimbo. Nowadays, people usually call me by my first name or my pseudonym (online).
As for where the username came from, it basically named after the Pokémon, Chikorita, which was introduced in the 2nd Generation of Pokémon Games with three arbitrary numbers stuck to it.
What blogging-related thing are you most proud of?
Of course, being one of the long-lasting anime blogs out there.
What are your pet peeves?
There are quite a few (excluding anything political):
- People blaming video games for the cause of sexism and violence – It’s not surprising that video games is used as a punching bag since it’s a popular medium. However, there haven’t been any scientific evidence that video game causes people to become violent and sexist.
- Windows 10 – While I switched back to using a Mac ever since 2006 since I got sick of dealing with problems with Windows, there are times where I have to use Windows. This is usually at work or playing video games. Windows 10 in my opinion is probably the worst Windows. It keeps getting worse with every forced update. It also spies on you and it’s relatively buggy. Despite Apple making computers with questionable design choices, I still use them because it mostly works. Also, Linux isn’t an option since it lacks applications like Microsoft Office, Photoshop, and others.
- Those GPU Prices – Those crypto miners keep buying up all the graphics cards and killing PC gaming (see below)! This is the reason I am stuck with a nVidia Geforce GTX 1070 on my Hackintosh. Sadly, nVidia cards work horribly with Final Cut Pro X since Apple have a bias for AMD graphics cards. I can’t sell or trade a GTX 1070 for a AMD RX Vega 56 or 64 since the miners have them all. Sadly, there is no end in sight. Still, it doesn’t affect me that much since I play most games on game consoles.
- Articles bashing Millennials – Yes, those clickbait articles blaming Millennials for everything. It’s only a matter of time until Generation Z receive its own generation bashing.
When you’re finished blogging, what do you want to be remembered for?
While I can’t say since I am in it for the long haul. Aside from doing it for a long time, at least there is the analyses, reviews, and also some guides I will be known for.
If you had a personal theme song that played wherever you go, what would it be?
None in particular.
What was the last movie you watched? How was it
The last anime movie I watched and review is of course the Pocket Monsters XY – The Archdijinni of the Rings: Hoopa. This is the worst Pokémon movie I watched. It’s mostly because of the pandering to the fanbase with legendary Pokémon and Hoopa itself. That Pokémon is very annoying. Surprisingly, it’s voiced by the tsundere queen, Kugumiya Rie.
As for the last non-anime movie I watched, that movie is Jack Frost on HBO Now towards the end of December. Not much to say about it besides the nostalgia and the movie itself being a Christmas movie.
What do people think is weird about you?
Don’t know.
With that, this is all the answers. Since I already participated in this in the past, I will not prove any new questions or nominations. Feel free to discuss my answers in the comments.
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