Now that Harekaze managed to successfully stop a rogue school ship, it’s time to save Wilhelmina’s captain even if it’s dangerous.
Given the success from the last operation with Akeno successfully executing her strategy that managed to stop a Hiei Kongou-class fast battleship. Now that they spotted the Graf Spee, it seems that it’s time to rescue Wilhelmina’s captain and cure them of the disease as promised. Given that the Harekaze barely made it out alive the first time, will this operation be a success?

That answer will be yes. Sure, the ship sustained damage after the failed strategy of taking down the batteries of the ship. From the looks of it, it seems that Mashiro does not object to Akeno’s plan of her going out with a few other girls to go and raid the ship. Watching Machiko taking on the possessed students with water guns and Kaede using her special fighting technique with a wooden sword is rather exciting. Either way, it seems that the girls was able to stop the virus in time and got rid of the virus, thanks to Minami’s help. Still, it’s surprising to see that Wilhelmina’s captain, Thea Kreutzer looks like a middle-school student since she is short compared to everyone.

Aside from that, it seems that everyone managed to pull the operation off while Mashiro temporarily took the role as captain and managed to get away from the ship. I have to say that she looks pretty with her hair down instead of a ponytail while showing that she means business.

Either way, it’s time to say goodbye to Wilhelmina, which is sad since she is a very enjoyable character. Kouko thinks so too, which is why she was depressed and locked herself in her room until the Graf Spee parted ways when she says goodbye to her. Of course it does not mean goodbye forever as they might run into each other someday during the party.

With that, it seems that the Harekaze next goal after doing some repairs is to stop the Musashi, a Yamato-class battleship. Yep, that one they going to need some help on when the time comes. From the looks of things are going, it seems that the “Totalitarian Disease” days are numbered and will be eradicated in no time.
Lots of badassery and ships being shipped on board the ship. Just another week of Hai-Furi goodness.
It’s more than likely that Coco and Mi-chan will be reunited before show’s end as our heroines will need all the help they can get against the Musashi.
I hope that Mi-chan will return since she is such a good character, but hopefully the battle against the Musashi will be interesting.