I am surprised that Hibiki who is Yoshio’s childhood friend could be this vicious towards Machi.
Hundred – Episode 4

From the looks of it, it seems that the battle between Hayato and a Savage that was attacking the island caused a pop idol known as Sakura to become amazed by him in a good way. In short, it seems that Sakura, a pop idol singer that Karen is a big fan of has a liking for him. This is not so surprising since he basically saved the island thanks to his Variant ability. Still, it’s funny that Sakura tries to tease him by proposing marriage with him out of the blue. Yep, we know what is his reaction afterwards, it was definitely something.

Aside from that, not much happened in this episode except Sakura bonding with Hayato as she shows off her own Hundred with Claire and Emilia becoming jealous. The funny part is that Emilia and Hayato took a bath together and she have Hayato to call Emilia by her real name. Either way, it seems that a bunch of slayers who might have the same Variant ability as Hayato is going to wreak havoc next time. What is it? We’ll find out soon enough.
Kumamiko – Episode 4

Natsu although he manages to do things alone.
Continuing from last time, it seems that Machi has conceded and decides to wear the first outfit from the contest. It’s funny that the guys are still talking about the outfits Machi tried on during some kind of ritual for the next harvest. Either way, it seems that she decided to wear the fourth outfit after the ritual, which is surprising since she didn’t look happy last time.
Aside from that, Machi became worried that she can’t do things by herself without Natsu around. In short, she turns on the TV by herself, plays a video game and eventually spied on Natsu as he struggles to lock the store-room with a key before he locks it with a remote. It’s funny that Natsu seems to be technologically advanced compared to Machi. Heck, he was using an iPad while he saw that Hibiki bulling Machi.

Talking about Hibiki, she basically has a face of a thug despite being reformed, which makes me wonder where did she gone wrong. Either way, it seems that Machi is probably scared of her by how she talks along with her expressions. Thankfully, she started to get along with her as they went clothes shopping together.

Still it’s funny that Machi became an expert of a real low-cost clothing store chain named Shimamura instantly. Yes, it appears that the show changed one letter to avoid getting sued, which is surprising since they put product placement for Uniqlo without changing the name. Either way, we’ll see what clothes Machi buys next time, which will be a good step forward in her quest to go to school in a city. After all, she needs more outfits besides her school uniform and miko outfit.
Pan de Peace – Episode 4

Yep, this episode is about the fable sandwich that everyone wants to get, but only available in a small quantity. I have to admit that this was a cute portrayal of this cliché seen in most school anime.
While most students did not get it, Moa managed to get one miraculously and offered her friends to try it. It seems that her cuteness allowed her to get one at the end of the day and thankfully, she didn’t have to use supernatural powers and risk injuring themselves to get one like a certain character.
Last Week’s Power Rankings
- Haifuri – 3
- Anne Happy – 3
- Kumamiko – 3
Pan de Peace has the tools to be a great Girls’ Club show but it is heavily bogged down by its “3 minute per episode” format.
My comments regarding Kuma Miko episodes remain the same, the show’s pretty good…apart from the Machi abuse.
It’s understandable since the episodes are so short despite the characters being very enjoyable.
Come to think about it, I kind of feel bad for Machi now since she ends up having a bike fall apart, being forced to become everyones dress up doll and being bullied by Hibiki. Hopefully things will get better when she becomes city-savvy.