From the looks of it, it seems that Rin decided to go on a date with Shirou. However, it seems that Caster have something up her sleeves.
In the first half, I didn’t expect that Rin would go on a date with Shirou considering how dense he his. Still, I admit that I enjoyed the date since we got to see Rin have some bonding time with him with some teasing. I find the part where Rin put round glasses on his face and started laughing rather hilarious. Even so, I have to admit that there were a lot of cute moments with Rin despite being harsh towards him towards the end. Not only that, it seems that Saber hates to lose.

On the other hand, we finally got to witness Caster’s noble phantasm, the Rule Breaker as she steals Saber away from Shirou. While it’s expected that he doesn’t want to see his only guardian, Taiga to be killed, it’s still a foolish decision on his part since he could have figured out a way to save her without giving away Saber. Now, he just becomes an annoying and useless character and Rin telling him the harsh truth about death shows it. Considering that this is Shirou we are talking about, I highly doubt he will give up easily even if he is not a master. This fact kind of makes me cringe, but then again, there is always a plot twist in the second half to bring him back into the game.

As a whole, I wonder what is in store for the second half as it resumes in spring of 2015. What will happen to the effects of the rule breaker if Caster finally gets defeated? Will Shirou regain his status as a master? Also, will we finally get to see some type of censorship like the infamous CG dolphins? Either way, we are in for an exciting ride for the second part as things become gruesome with a lot of plot twists. I can’t wait!