Yep, it’s nice to see Tohsaka Rin once again.
At a glance, the first episode or rather the prologue episode of the series shows the events before Rin and Archer runs into Saber like in the original adaptation that focused on the Fate arc. While it’s nice to see everything from Rin’s point of view on how she solved the puzzle that her father left her, summon Archer and learn more about him, it’s kind of expected since she is the main heroine in the Unlimited Blade Works arc. While we will eventually see everything mostly from Shiou’s point of view once his character is introduced, it’s nice to see her get irritated at Archer and carelessly wasting one of her command seals before the Grail War even started.

As for the presentation, it’s definitely a lot better than the original that Studio Deen done in 2006. While the art direction is pretty much the same as Fate/zero, the difference between this adaption to the original is that the battle between Archer and Lancer looks noticeably better. There is no comparison.
Overall, I think Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works will definitely be more enjoyable than the original movie and series that Studio Deen made. While some people say that Shirou will be annoying in this arc, I think Rin will make up his shortcomings. Aside from that, I look forward for the next few episodes.