Now that a legendary giant dragon has appeared, Mitsuha and her mercenaries have to slay a dragon. Thankfully, she knows a way to defeat it.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Now that a legendary giant dragon has appeared, Mitsuha and her mercenaries have to slay a dragon. Thankfully, she knows a way to defeat it.
Last time, Mitsuha managed to get help from a mercenary to help defend the evacuees from the hordes of monsters. Will they manage to pull it off? What about the Alder Empire about to evade?
After Mitsuha saves a restaurant from being sabotaged by someone, everything seems to be going fine. That is until the horde of monsters, namely goblins, head somewhere shortly after Colette receives her letter. At some point, Mitsuha finally spills the beans about her abilities.
When Mitsuha decided to help the Reiners, there was a hint that she would do something restaurant related. Now it becomes apparent and bringing back some vibes of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear.
After going on an adventure, Mitsuha returned to her shop, and a high-class blonde-haired girl bought many items. But you might be wondering, who is she?
After a group of mercenaries come and apprehend a wanted criminal that stole Mitsuha’s knife, she now has an idea. She wants to go on an adventure to gather some materials.
After Mitsuha’s hard work, Adelide’s debutante ball is hugely successful. However, isn’t Mitsuha neglecting a particular noble family that helped her open up her store in the capital?
Mitsuha takes on a job to help with the food and entertainment at Adelide’s debutante ball. As they say, first impressions mean everything, but can Mitsuha pull it off?
Now that Mitsuha came crazy prepared to meet the count, we finally see her carry out her plan. So how well did it go?
After Mitsuha finally realizes the new powers granted to her, she decides to go on a quest to become wealthy. First, however, she must find a way to protect herself and Colette. That is while she tries to become rich from her journeys to the other world.
As for determining the fourth show to cover, there is two potential to pick out from. First, we will look at Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-Man-Mai no Kinka o Tamemasu. This is where Mitsuha falls into an imaginary world with no idea where she is.