The cold truth about Mio is finally revealed.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
After being introduced to Mio two episodes ago, her story finally starts with a bang.
Sadly, not all announcements were good news as VisualArts gave an announcement that caused some Key fans to go ballistic. Yep, it’s JC Staff doing the animation for Little Busters. (Image Source)
Not much in terms of plot in this episode besides the good old “Test of Courage.”
Apparently, Komari’s brother actually exists. Sadly, she has totally forgotten about him.
Komari just looks adorable…
At last, the most anticipated visual novel adaptation, Little Busters has finally landed, but does it meet expectations? Well, it sort of.
As the month of “Remembering Love” comes to an end, I will focus on the last part of Clannad After Story, namely Ushio and the ending. (Image Source)
For the third week of “the remembrance of love,” I recall some of the more dramatic moments of Clannad After Story as Tomoya and Nagisa starts life as a new family before it gets cut short. (Image Source)
Continuing on “the rememberance of love,” I dived deeper into the second quarter of Clannad After Story.
I know it’s late, but I decided to take part in trzr23’s new project called “Lets us Remember Love.” This is where we rewatch our favorite Anime and talk about it. When I came across some of these posts, I see why not even though a few days passed.
If you seen my about page, I listed some of my favorite anime. However, there is one in particular that influenced me the most since it’s the first title I blogged about when I began my Anime Blogging career. That show is of course Clannad After Story. (Image Source)
Just recently, Key announced that JC Staff would produce the Little Busters anime. Unfortunately, this was not well received by the fans. It stirred a lot of harsh criticism since they expect Kyoto Animation to make it. From what I have seen, this makes me wonder if the rage is justifiable or the fans are too entitled?
In the past two days, I read three opinion pieces regarding the whole matter. Therefore, I felt the need to share my own thoughts on why their decision isn’t as bad or rather, marks a transition to the New Key. (Image Source)
Angel Beats was a rather unique show even though the execution was so tsundere that it was not even funny. The show was pretty interesting with girls with guns, fighting against other people and learning about the heroes’/heroines’ tragic memories. Therefore, this makes it the 8th Anime Moment in our countdown to Christmas.
The final episode was heartbreaking and heartwarming…
The last scene where Misuzu reaches her goal and hugs Haruko was so emotional that I almost started crying. At the same time, it was heartwarming since Misuzu could stay strong because of her mother’s (Haruko) love. When she passes away in Haruko’s arm, it was very heartbreaking for Haruko and the audience to bear.
Nevertheless, what people say about Air being a snobbish Anime is simply not true in my opinion. It shown a beautiful life that was cut short by something unfortinate. Tragic and sad events is what makes people stronger and make us value our lives as a beautiful thing. This is what makes Air so emotionally powerful compared to the other stories.
Goodbye Misuzu… I will miss you forever! ;-;
9.5/10, A, Masterpiece
Overall Review is coming shortly!
It was nearly a year since I have watched Air. The reason I left the show collect dust for the reason of being occupied on other Anime. It was not until recently that I started where I left off because Flak was taunting me by trying to spoil the ending for me. This is probably an incentive to complete the remaining 4 episodes I haven’t seen yet so I can write a final review on it.