It may have been several weeks after I finished Hourou Musuko Episode 12, but the show was so amazing that I want to share my thoughts on the last episode and the series as a whole.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
It may have been several weeks after I finished Hourou Musuko Episode 12, but the show was so amazing that I want to share my thoughts on the last episode and the series as a whole.
If you recall the last episode of Hourou Musuko, the reactions from other students are unfortunate and expected. As I mentioned in my editorial, society has a double standard when it comes to crossdressing. This resulted in unwanted attention when Nitori decides to dress as a girl for school.
Preface: Hourou Musuko besides Madoka Magica has been one of few shows out of the winter season, which are considered very good. The reason why I have not blogged much about this show since the content in the episodes is hard to explain in episodic posts. So, I thought it would be best to share my thoughts on the events that were important in editorial form.
In the most recent episodes of Hourou Musuko, the story focuses more on the issues Nitori faces in his life that wants to be a girl. Since he is delicate, anything that happens to him will impact him emotionally. This happens when Dori urges him to come out of the closet that causes the whole student body to become shocked. In addition, the play and Anna plays an important role of adding self-confidence for Nitori’s transgenderism.
In the last episode of Hourou Musuko, we are introduced to Nitori and Takatsuki, which entered middle school. They have gender identity issues, which results in wearing clothes of the opposite gender. The first episode primarily focused on Nitori, a male crosdresser that felt accepted by people in the past. Unfortunately, things don’t stay the same since his sister bullies him when he crossdressed and everyone thinks that he’s sick. In this episode, the focus is on Takatsuki and her friends… in particular on Chiba Saori, which feels seemingly upset.
In some shows, most notably Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, they use crossdressing as comedy. This mostly involves a male dressing as a female to make it really difficult to tell the real gender of the person. However, in Hourou Musuko (aka Wandering Son), the show takes a more serious and realistic approach. They focus on the issues of transgender people similar to what transgendered people faces and growing up through two people, Nitori and Takatsuki.
After looking at some blogs about it and being quite curious about it, I have watched the first episode and it was not so good at all. As you expect, Kampfer is filled with fanservice, especially with the recent episode that aired that topped off Nogizaka Haruka Purity, and you think that Purity had the most fanservice besides Queen’s Blade, think again.
Genderbending is quite an interesting idea since who doesn’t like seeing yourself as the opposite gender. No wonder genderbending of Haruhi is so popular… Who doesn’t want to see a Kyonko? Kampfer does this with a guy named Natsuru becoming a Kampfer, but needs to transform into a girl which is done with his bracelet. Well, okay… you think the fighting part in the beginning was okay, but it gets alot worse…. We are thrown fanservice, which you know the type 2 is the fanservice that I least desired, unless executed properly and not overdone… They gone overboard with this, especially when Natsuru, as a girl needed to go to the bathroom… that scene was pretty dumb in my opinion. From looking at the screenshots of the next 4 episodes, it’s pretty clear that the fanservice goes even higher, but never reaching the amount in Queen’s Blade, since Queen’s Blade is the king of fanservice animes.
I think one episode is enough and honestly, a waste of 24 minutes of watching it… Better off reading the Kampfer manga or the light novel than watching this because the execution of this is not good… Maybe someone else will appreciate it more than myself, don’t you think? =p
6.4/10, Dropped