![If you do survive 6 episodes of Endless Eight... Great! You will earn a big achievement for going through the endless, repetitive loop.](http://chikorita157.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/achievement-endless8-300x168.jpg)
As we watched the first episode of Haruhi S2, Bamboo Rapsody… many would thought that Haruhi Second Season will turn out great… However, after the end episode aired, Endless Eight Part 1, many thought that it was the end, but that wasn’t the case and Endless Eight after Part 2 was in a repeating loop which many people started to go bananas and accusing Kyoto Animation and Kadokawa and causing Haruhi Season 2’s rating drop from the mid 8’s close to a high 7’s on MyAnimeList and people dropping or putting Haruhi on hold indefinately…. but the question is… Who should we really blame?
The problem is, Kyoto Animation is in the crossfire of all this madness which isn’t really their fault… It’s pretty much Kadokawa than Kyoto Animation because Kadokawa Shoten controls the license to Haruhi, which they ultimately have a say on how many episodes should be produced for Haruhi and the making and marketing of Haruhi merchandise.
In a recent post, this statement is regarded as a rumor, but looks perfectly legit on the situation. (Source: NotCliche)
Umm… I guess it’s okay now?
Endless Eight was organized and produced as 6 episodes.
Kadokawa’s back sponsor got furious and after it was too late (production had finished), the producer was fired.
There was a ton of confusion over whether they were going to skip the produced 4th and 5th episodes and air the 6th.By the way, the 6 ep organization was Kadokawa’s instructions.
The fired producer was a scape goat to appease the angry back sponsors.
Kadokawa’s ultimate goal was to blow smoke over the fans by having 12 episodes that would consist of E8, Sigh, and a new/re-organized Mikuru’s adventure.
And the Disappearance source material they had pulled from remains exactly that: source material.
Currently Kadokawa does not feel like animating Disappearance [yet/still]This gives the feeling that the purpose of this new production is simply to pull money from the fans as they move the series from DVD to BD.
If this is true, Kadokawa is ultimately to blame for this fiasco since Kadokawa is just looping Endless Eight so it will sell more DVDs… But then again, we know in the past that noone should trust Kadokawa… Do you remember the “Nice Boat” incident with Haruhi-chan? Do you still remember the statement of Haruhi being “canceled” by Kadokawa? I think it’s time to make Kadokawa responsible for the mess they cause and don’t buy any merchandise relating to Haruhi S2. This is the main reason I given up on Haruhi S2 in whole.
For Kyoto Animation… I really hope they redeem themselves after this mess and atleast adapt something that might become a masterpiece… or something great… Little Busters or FMP anyone?