It’s pointless now to write about Episode 12, so let’s go to the final review…
The major problem beside the less focus on Haruka (more of a source material issue than the anime itself) is the fanservice… Fanservice everywhere, but not on the level of more fanservice oriented shows like Kampfer. Its plot and fanservice was alot worse than this. Gives Purezza a new meaning.
Some complaints on the Anime focusing on other character’s plots and not on Haruka… These plots were alright and not outright bad… Actually, they are good except that they are not about Haruka like in the first season. The good thing is that the plot wasn’t lame at all compared to Kampfer, which is a piece of s*** (no offense) and had a stupid plot filled with fanservice, but yeah.
Give some credit when it’s due… this is a extremely sweet series mainly because of those Haruka and Yuuto moments. That alone is the major cause TV diabetes 1 in 4 males… The almost kiss is the biggest and cruel running gag of the season… but I approve Haruka fanservice… It’s a good mindless romance comedy, but you cannot expect much from it beyond it… thats all and certainly does not compare with Seitokai, which is a better comedy show material wise… IMO or even the plot-heavy romance titles.
With the Idol arc, Yuuto finally mans up… and now evidently in Episode 12, he actually said “take your clothes off?” Wow… and of course, Yayoi and Nozomi gets their butts kicked in the end.. It’s great justice, don’t you think?
Now moving on to the lack of Haruka. This is a big deal and a reason why this season is weak. Take this for example. Say you have a movie named Batman, but the movie have no Batman at all, but just Robbin filled with Fangirl stuff. Do you expect the movie to be good at all? The answer is no. This season suffers from this because of the reason mentioned.
Like always, Diomedea did a pretty good job with animating Nogizaka Haruka, so there isn’t really much to comment here, EXCEPT…. the excessive steam… Perhaps the DVD and the other broadcast will not have this?
Nothing have changed, except we are introduced to some new maids… including Alice-chan. Most importantly, Yayoi and Nozomi, jerkass managers who tried to take Haruka away, Touka, the most generic tsundere I have seen ever (with her plot having a uncanny resemblance of Hayate the Combat Butler!) and Himemiya Miran, the idol singer.
But then again, where did Haruka go in 6 of the episodes in the whole season?
While the content isn’t the strongest point of this season, the music still sounded pretty good… that no wonder it reached my top 6 on my Last.fm profile (no joking). The OP sounds more powerful and awesome than the last one, although the last one was catchy. The ED however, have them do some kind of new dance and also in super deformed mode… Well, yeah…
Also, the opening theme for the show within a show anime, Nocturne Girl Lacrosse Club also sounded good
For what I have seen, I only can give it a 81%, a B- (in actuality, a 78%, C+ if you really want to be a harsh critic) and I was slightly disappointed by the amount of fanservice, cocktease with the kissing and the lack of Haruka… The show had some strong points like music and most part animation, but content is lacking a bit underneath the fanservice and the lack of Haruka. The series IMO would have done better if they took out all the unnecessary and pointless fanservice… otherwise, it would have been better. Would I watch a third season? Maybe, but from watching this, I would have low expectations… which could mean that they would do better next time? Who knows…
Never trust the name Purity in a title ever… you know what that means now… More Fanservice and perhaps stop with the pointless arc sand focus what the show is actually about. ABOUT HARUKA AND HER SECRET GOD DAMMIT! Until next time….
and yes, I do approve of Haruka Fanservice… :p
8.1/10, B-
Actual: 7.8/10, C+