After putting it off for several days, I wanted to let the drama settle before diving into the 9th episode. Since Dog Days aren’t out yet, I’m going to share brief thoughts for this episode and the bullying incident that everyone talked about in great lengths for the past week (Image Source).
Tari Tari – Episode 10 – Wein’s Bravery and the Secret Behind Composing Music
Because of the e-drama involving Kokoro Connect, I decided to hold off on it until later this week. For now, the focus is on that super-hero skit while Wanaka asks for advice from the vice principal, Naoko about composing music.
Tiger Moms and Eagle Dads – Strict Parenting in Anime
Just recently, something has come into my mind about how parents raise their children in Anime after watching the 8th episode of Tari Tari. With the stereotype of Asian parents wanting their children to succeed such as the Tiger Mom and Eagle Dad, some of these stereotypes are also present in Anime. This is because Asian countries typically value education a lot, which is why they tend to rank high on science and math. For that, I’m going to explain what these terms mean with examples from various shows. (Image Source)
Dog Days 2 – Episode 8 – Cat Thief and Return of “Hero” Shinku
Before another three-way war begins, Millhi performs at Pastillage. Meanwhile, a cat burglar suddenly appears and cause havoc.
The Anime Blogger Interrogation Game (Updated)
Since I’m still taking a short vacation in Boston, I decided to entertain some people with five questions I came up for a game by Iso. Thankfully, I haven’t been tagged for any questions yet, so I won’t be listing any unless somebody decides to.
If you are wondering about the rules, here they are.
- Each person is supposed to follow the rule of fives.You are allowed to ask 5 questions, after which you can tag up to 5 bloggers by hyper-linking to their blog; 5 questions because it’s not too many to flood another blogger and occupy too much of his/her time, but yet a large enough number to ask your most important questions, and 5 bloggers to avoid spamming. Hence, prioritize your questions, and who you wish to ask!
- Those tagged are obliged to answer the questions in a blog post, and after which, they are entitled to create their own 5 questions and tag 5 other bloggers, so on and so fourth. You are allowed to tag the person that tagged you in the first place. Also, copy and paste this section on your blog so others can understand how the game goes.
- In the case where a blogger strongly refuses to answer a question, he/she must instead post a nice anime image, wallpaper or cosplay picture, et cetera in response to that question.
- To make things interesting, a blogger can include wildcards in his/her 5 questions by placing an asterisk, (*), after which those tagged are obliged to reveal something interesting about themselves that others did not previously know. There is no limit to the number of asterisks one can place (which means there can be up to 5 wildcard questions).
- Anyone can feel free to start the game; you don’t necessarily need someone to tag you. Just create your 5 questions and tag your 5 people of choice. However, the catch is that you must answer your own 5 questions as well.
- To potentially prevent an endless game, this round of games will end on the 8th September 2012, 12pm JST (GMT +9). After which, no more bloggers can tag others to answer their questions.
So let the games begin. (Image Source)
The iDOLM@STER – Episode 26 (OVA) – More 765pro Awesomeness
It seems that the Idolmaster goodness keeps on going. After watching Episode 15 and 16 despite Kevo ragequitting two times in the latter because of Jupiter, I decided to tackle the special I intend to cover this week. However, I did it one day early since Dog Days 2 subs are not out yet.
Tari Tari – Episode 9 – Returned Letters and Fundraising
Like any club, Konatsu needs some funding so she can get the stage performance rolling.
Hyouka – Episode 19 – Dating Mystery Solving Game
This almost felt like a date, but it isn’t one.
Kokoro Connect – Episode 8 – Personal Desires Hits a Fever Pitch
Despite being wrong with my prediction on what will happen to Inaba, the drama gets turned up to 11 as things hit a sour note.