From last time, a mysterious girl approached Kanata about the beach volleyball club. It becomes obvious who it is.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
From last time, a mysterious girl approached Kanata about the beach volleyball club. It becomes obvious who it is.
Miku seems to have trouble buying fried chicken as someone buys them all out. I wonder who.
Apparently, someone has a huge crush on Satou. How will she react?
From last time, Haruka and Kanata is struggling against Ai and Mai since they are behind 6 points. Will they be able to turn things around?
As expected, the whole year went by so quickly. Today, I turn 29. Yes, I still struggling in regards to real life, which I won’t go into detail. Luck hasn’t been on my side in the past few years. Despite the set backs, I still hopeful that things will become better in the future. Sure, the struggles I am facing are only temporary, but it doesn’t mean it will stay that way.
This reminds me that my blog will turn 10 years in 6 more months. It’s surprising that I have been writing about anime along with video games and eventually video games. It definitely kept my sanity by allowing to share my passion for them, improve my writing skills along with interacting with others. As always, I plan on continuing, unless I run out of shows and things to review of course.
With that, feel free to say Happy Birthday in the comments below.
After the photo shoot from last time, it was a huge success. With that, the girls receive another photo shoot. This time is the day of life of Ongaku Shoujo.
Shio is in danger while two men beats up Taiyou. Will someone come to the rescue?
Tournament day has finally come as Haruka and Kanata sees a familiar volleyball pair from last time. It’s obvious who it is.
On the day of the photo shoot, trouble strikes as Ikenashi messes up the makeup artist’s appointment. With the threat of the photo shoot being canceled, Hanako devises a plan.
Now that Satou discovered a boy that she doesn’t like, does she go through with the attack?