The day of the preliminaries have come. When Mana felt that her older sister was there, she ran off. I wonder why.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
The day of the preliminaries have come. When Mana felt that her older sister was there, she ran off. I wonder why.
Now that Anna managed to obtain the Fugo crystal against her mother’s will, is it enough?
Momo apparently caught a cold. Believe it or not, this is Shamiko’s best chance to win against her. Will she win?
Now that Zina transferred schools, she discovers Satomi’s secret hobby. Is Satomi’s teaching career now over?
Now that KiRaRe decided their group name and song, they prepare for Prism Stage. However, Minori is going overboard on the practicing, thus tiring out her fellow members.
Now that Mangetsu defeated Nene, the focus is now on Anna as she seeks the Fugo crystal.
Oh my gosh, I am already this old? Today, I turn 30 years old, which shows how fast time passed by. However, it shows how far I come in terms to my tastes in anime along with how much I watched. Hopefully my life situation will improve very soon now that I now have my Comptia Cybersecurity Analyst certification. I plan to earn more certifications soon (e.g. MCSA and eventually CISSP).
While this birthday post is short, I just want to thank all my readers, followers, and people who comment on my blog for supporting me for these years. Let’s make the next year a great one. Also, feel free to say Happy Birthday in the comments below.
At last, Shamiko earned enough money to pay back the debt she racked up from Momo. On the other hand, Momo wants Shamiko to spend the money on her little sister, Ryoko. It’s obvious where Momo’s intensions lie.
It looks like Hibiki now has a new rival as she participates in an arm-wrestling competition. I wonder who.
Now with the whole team assembled, now the girls have to come up with a song and a group name. This is the hard part.