Believe it or not, Nana is the most supportive member of the group. However, there is something about her that she is not hiding. I’ll give you one hint. It’s something like “Endless Eight,” but with “Starlight.”
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Believe it or not, Nana is the most supportive member of the group. However, there is something about her that she is not hiding. I’ll give you one hint. It’s something like “Endless Eight,” but with “Starlight.”
It has been a while since the huge delay from Covid19, but it’s finally back. Hina apparently with Natsumi, Yuuki and Makoto goes to another town to browse the biggest fishing store in the area.
With July ending very soon, it’s time to share some interesting posts and some thoughts during the month.
As Tiara and Rosetta went out of a shop, they run into Kaede. Of course, Nadeshiko and Tsubaki is apparently looking for her too.
After Karen lost against Maya last time, Hikari gave Karen a big slap of reality. Before Karen knew it, Hikari mysteriously disappears. Meanwhile, the sense of Invidia inside Mahiru develops as Karen focuses almost all her time with Hikari.
In the attempt to make up for lost ground last time, Tiara and her friends joins forces with Melissa, Lily and Coco play in a bump ball tournament. However, something happened with Ashley and Lavie that they aren’t getting along. I wonder why.
Back in 2018 when it aired, I haven’t had the chance to watch Revue Starlight. This is mostly because I didn’t have a Hidive subscription. However, I did play the mobile gacha game for at least for several months when it came out last year. That is without knowing what happened in the anime.
Since I have a good amount of free time before the onslaught of fall anime, I think it’s the best time to well, watch it.
I have seen quite a good number of idol anime in the past. Yes, this includes Idolmaster, Love Live, the 1-hour prequel for Wake Up Girls, Ongaku Shoujo and Re:stage Dream Days. While there is some drama, a producer or the girls working together manages the aspects of the group such as costumes, music, and other aspects.
Sure, there is some drama, but there are also some funny, heartwarming moments as well. Also, the girls in the idol unit usually get along with each other through strong teamwork. Of course, there are the yuri pairings as well.
22/7 (Nanabun No Nijyuuni) is like your typical idol anime, but different in a way. It’s a media project where they picked 11 girls out of about 10,000 applicants. The chosen ones portray their respective character in real life and in animation. Yes, the concept of this project is that the idols themselves transcends dimensions between the real and animated world. As expected, I surprisingly enjoyed this show for various reasons.
Tiara found out that she is joining a group that is about to face expulsion. That is if they don’t receive a passing grade next semester. While Tiara shows her determination, staging a turnaround looks a lot harder than it seems.
From last time, it seems that everyone collapsed except Jun after eating something. Also, we see the origins of Akane along with the big preparation for the 1-year anniversary live performance.