In the 7th Anime Moment for this year, I will be focusing on Ookami-san. While I have some mixed feelings about the show, it was rather entertaining since it had a really violent tsundere named Ookami Ryoko. While not too different from other tsundere stories that JC Staff makes, it has fairy tale characters as its cast, which made it pretty interesting. (Image Source)
Midseason Impressions – Ookami-san – Taming the Wolf
Story Analysis – Ookami-san: Ryuuguu Otohime and Usami Mimi
In the third episode of Ookami-san, the way they parodied a well known Aesop fable, The Tortoise and the Hare that its worth analyzing what the moral of the story they had in Ookami-san’s parody of the original.
Fanart used in this post is made by ちるく
Two Episode Taste Test – Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi
It is one of those shows I picked up late and probably the one that everyone is talking or complaining about. Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi is a slice of life, romantic comedy that parodies a good number of folklore out there. If you have seen in the picture above, Ookami is the wolk and Akai is Red Riding Hood. A better and comprehensive explanation written by Aorii from Major Arcana gives you a very good idea which folklore the characters are based from. If you know a lot of folklore, you probably recognize them pretty easily.