Just last summer, I shared my thoughts on why Glasslip was a complete failure. Since I already explained why it was so bad, I may as well make a final review mocking the whole show.
Liebster Award Reprise

Back in 2013, I decided to answer some questions that were created by an Anime blogger named Silvachief. Of course, I didn’t know that this event was still going around since Overlord-G who is the author of The Yuri Nation decided to tag me with more questions. Because I have done several of these in the past, I may as well do another.
The Glass Shatters – Why Glasslip is the Most Disappointing PA Works Show Yet
I admit that PA Works (Progressive Animation Works) is one of my favorite studios besides Kyoto Animation not because of the high production values, but rather the types of shows they come out. The studio is more known for its original productions, some that I actually enjoyed.
After watching Glasslip, I was deeply disappointed and wondered to my self, why did it fail? It’s odd considering that they played it safe with a premise that they can’t possibly mess it up. Ultimately, we are proven wrong.
Glasslip – Episodes 12 and 13 (END) – It Ends…
Weekly Anime Impressions – Summer 2014 – Week 11

Fall is almost here and I’m somewhat swamped with course work.
Note: This is probably the last Weekly Anime Impressions post I will make until the next season starts. I will be posting my final episode impressions of Hanayamata and Free Eternal Summer separately.
Weekly Anime Impressions – Summer 2014 – Week 10
Weekly Anime Impressions – Summer 2014 – Week 9

Summer Break has finally comes to an end with the final semester in college starting.
Weekly Anime Impressions – Summer 2014 – Week 8

It’s the last week before Fall Semester starts, so it’s time to enjoy what is left of my summer break.
Weekly Anime Impressions – Summer 2014 – Week 7
Weekly Anime Impressions – Summer 2014 – Week 6
Weekly Anime Impressions – Summer 2014 – Week 5
Weekly Anime Impressions – Summer 2014 – Week 4
Weekly Anime Impressions – Summer 2014 – Week 3 – Glasslip, Hanayamata and Free Eternal Summer Episode 3

I bet a lot of people are wondering why most Japanese songs have English words. They do it because it’s cute and cool.
Weekly Anime Impressions – Summer 2014 – Week 2 – Glasslip, Hanayamata and Free Eternal Summer Episode 2

Yep, love is already in the air and we are only in the second week of the summer anime season.
Summer 2014 Anime First Impressions Digest – Free 2, Glasslip, Hanayamata, Sailor Moon Crystal
With vacation coming to an end, I’m finally back to share my initial thoughts for most of the Summer Anime I will be watching.