Kai of Deluscar here reporting for duty. I’m here to wage idol war against Chikorita since I know he’s an idolm@ster guy. As I’m on the Love Live camp, unfortunately we will always be in opposition. Here’s my mission today, to infiltrate Chikorita’s blog and to spread the influence of Love Live from within an enemy base. Guerrilla warfare 101.

Before I go on though, I will admit I like both im@s and Love Live a lot. However it took me a rewatch for the former to appreciate it more, which I think was poor timing on my part. When I was watching im@s, I was still in the process of opening up to more genres, and marathoning it didn’t help either. The idol anime genre was definitely one genre I was pretty lukewarm to when I first came across it. As much as I love im@s now, it didn’t springboard me into an idol anime fan when I first watched it. So what did? Well, Love Live.
Watching Love Live allow me to see the bigger picture in idol anime, something which im@s never accomplished. So with this alone, Love Live pretty much won a lot of points for me. But additionally, despite being the same genre, both just have incredibly different settings with different appeals.