Last time, Berry Blossom is not herself as Mashiro gets kidnapped by Ohimizo. As Chizuko goes to find Mashiro, she decides to follow Ohimizo, who takes her onto a bullet train somewhere. Well, it gets a bit interesting.

When Chizuko is on the train with Ohimizo and Mashiro, she asks Ohmizo to give Mashiro back. That is when he offered them lunch. He knows that Mashiro is doing something with the magical thing. Of course, Chizuko went to the bathroom and wondered what Fossa Manga was about.

The only thing that Ohimizo does is ask if Chrome has the magical girl, which is tied up as he asks for an autograph. When Chrome teleported with Berry Blossom as Ohimizo took Chizuko to the next train, Berry Blossom happened to reunite with Mashiro. You might be wondering what is going on.

As expected, Ohimizo took them on a trip that eventually led them to a hot springs inn. They treat them to a night stay at the inn. You might be wondering why. Is it because they look after Ohimizo’s daughter, Kokoa? Wait, his daughter? Yep, believe it or not, Ohimizo has a daughter, believe it or not. Yep, it comes as a surprise for Chizuko, along with learning that Mashiro is Chrome’s coworker or former employee, which Ohimizo still has on his payroll. As expected, Chrome denies it. Chizuko’s grandfather and father are also there.

That said, there are some nice Chizuko and Berry Blossom moments. Yep, Chizuko gets to share a room with Berry Blossom. Chizuko is really happy, especially having Berry Blossom dry her hair. Yep, she was in heaven. Chizuko, of course, receives a phone call from her mother, and of course, Chizuko is happy to stay with her grandfather and wants to stay a bit longer. She, of course, hopes to see her mother come to visit.

As expected, Chizuko and Chrome return to their usual antics as they interrupt the start of the fireworks with octopuses. As expected, Chrome had an autograph from Berry Blossom that she addressed to Chrome instead. There is no way that Chizuko can see this, so he throws it away so she can’t see it.
Final Thoughts
Acro Trip is an interesting magical girl show. The Chizuko and Berry Blossom/Kajuu pairing is more like Chizuko obsessing over her Oshi magical girl than a serious relationship, but at least those moments are lovely. Of course, some wish that Chizuko and Kajyu be an actual pairing. While it probably won’t reach the level of Utena, Kiwi, or Azure, I enjoy the moments when Chizuko gushes over Berry Blossom.
As expected, the lure behind Fossa Manga and Chrome’s and Berry Blossom’s organs is fascinating, but Chrome himself made this show funny. He is incompetent as a villain, but this makes him funny when we learn that Chrome and Mashiro are rivals he worked with at the same company. As a whole, it’s a fun show, although there are some episodes where it does feel like a filler. However, it’s still fun though. Chizuko should go to the dark side to direct Chrome to put on a good fight with Berry Blossom to make her look awesome so Chizuko can gush over her.
@chikorita157 I felt this left us with more questions than answers ultimately. Not sure what is going on. Hmm.
I have a feeling that Ohimizu is doing the evil organization thing as his own entertainment, and maybe as a way to entertain his daughter, Kokoa. Why else he would let Mashiro continue to have Berry Blossom fight against Chrome and despite his incompetence, he doesn’t get sanctioned or receive any harsh punishment.
But Chizuko and Berry Blossom is a nice pairing, though.
@chikorita157 It feels like they did so many great setups and fun twists, and then it just went nowhere.
I think Mashiro wanting to get even by creating a magical girl, chrome being real crap at being evil, Dante being kind of a perv/evil magical girl is an interesting contrast to Berry that doesn’t actually seem too thrilled at being the heroine.
It’s a fun and great setup, but it needs more. Another show that could have gotten a good ending with another 12 episodes. Sadly not many shows gets more than a season:(
That is true, especially with yuri genre shows, except for a few notable ones, like the other shows about gushing over magical girls.
@chikorita157 Even with the overly common genres (Isekai has jumped the shark, it’s too much now, and I like the genre) almost nothing goes beyond s1. 🙁