Now that Chizuko with Chrome has dealt with the replacement evil mastermind that turned into a “cute” fish, Chizuko receives a surprise. Yep, she gets the long-awaited magic card.

While her grandfather is in a go tournament, Chizuko seems panicked as she has a parent-teacher meeting. In short, it becomes self-evident when Chrome accompanies her. The teacher who called for the meeting was Chizuko’s father, Yogo Masamune, who divorced her mother. Funny how Chizuko recalled the moment when her grandfather revealed that this teacher is her father.

As for why he called for the meeting, he wants to meet Chrome. Why else did he call Chizuko for a meeting. Believe it or not, Chizuko’s father seems to be a big fan of his and sees Chrome as a hero of justice. The funny thing is that Chrome is incompetent, which means his kind of evil is harmless at best. Either way, they had a group selfie photo. Also, her grandfather came back, and his team basically lost. Funny how he banged his head and caused the Go board to break in half, which is amusing.

In the second half, Chrome finally gives Chizuko a card. Remember the contract Chrome forced Chizuko to sign. Chizuko finally receives the card, which allows her to access Chrome’s magic reserves. The funny thing is she takes out the magic card instead of her payment card, which is quite amusing.

Eventually, she discovers a cute lost child who lost her phone and wallet. The funny thing is that when she gives this girl a phone card, she accidentally gives the magic card. When she came to the base, Chizuko saw the girl on Chrome as she had the card. She apparently knows Chizuko, and she freaks out.

Believe it or not, the little girl’s name is Kokoa. She plans to use the magic card to defeat Berry Blossom. Of course, Chizuko can’t let Kokoa get her way. Before Kokoa can use magic to attack Chizuko, Chrome stops her. After all, Chrome stopped the girl from doing the thing that turned Mashiro into a cat.

Before Chrome could retaliate, Chizuko stopped him. Of course, Kokoa cried as she swore that she would get them next time her caretaker chased after her. Chrome made a young girl cry as he found out the magic reserves were almost cleared out.

Of course, Chrome and Chizuko run into Kokoa again, and her butler Chrome bullies her. Her plushie has gone missing until they find out a dog has it. It’s funny to see Chrome get stuck into a bush until he uses the Kuma Kaijin to uncover the sewer and bring back the plushie. The plushie is basically a cat head with tentacles called kunyage. Either way, Kokoa acts cold towards Chrome, although she calls him “mister mastermind.” Yep, he didn’t do anything evil despite being an evil mastermind.

Chizuko discovers a handshake session for Berry Blossom as she appears. She seemed very excited and even bought one of those light pens from Mashiro. Of course, Berry Blossom shows up and wonders why everyone is here. Yep, he did it for his ego. Chrome shows up wanting a handshake, but Berry Blossom tries to break his wrist instead. Funny how Chizuko’s father watches and enjoys all of it, while Kokoa doesn’t seem all that impressed. But yes, Chizuko had Chrome try to get everyone at the handshake event so she wouldn’t see her Oshi sad if nobody showed up. It’s not too surprising, but the event was amusing to watch.
@chikorita157 The show keeps on evolving. Very positive to see a story that doesn’t just color inside the lines, or at the very least I haven’t seen the coloring book before.
The dad reveal was out of left field for sure. 🙂
Seeing Chizuko’s dad being the teacher is a surprise.
Still, at least the magic card isn’t a lie after all. Will we ever see Chizuko in a magical girl form of some sort.
@chikorita157 I haven’t caught this weeks episode yet. I get the feeling we’ll get more reveals 🙂
Well, this weeks episode had some really interesting developments, especially with Chizuko. If you have the chance, feel free to share what you think after watching this week’s episode.