Now that LLENN’s team dealt with the allied teams that teamed up to try to take her team down, they have another problem. The water is coming up, meaning they have to make a move. Of course, Shirley is nearby as she seeks revenge against Pitohui.
From last time, it’s evident that Fuka wishes to stay in the rail cart forever. However, as they discovered, the water slowly approached the island and reached the rail yard. With the third scan, some of the allied teams block their way. The funny thing is that LLENN is shocked that the island is much smaller now. They plan to move to the northeast as that is the only way forward. They need to face the other teams as they go, but they will wait a bit longer when the waves reach closer before making a move.

As for the allied teams, Clarence and her partner, Sam, are with her. The funny thing is that she joins the allies and helps them. The funny thing is that she betrays them as she perceives herself as an ally as they try to ambush LLENN’s team. Clarence goes on a killing scheme, killing her teammates and betraying them because it’s fun.

As for Shirley and why she is in the train yard, it’s evident that she is out to seek revenge against Pitohui after she killed her teammates when they were defenseless. Yes, she spent the last two months playing the game to gain experience from hunting monsters and killing players. Eventually, it was enough to achieve the skill of Custom Ammunition to create a bullet that instantly kills the person inflicted by it with materials from other games, the perfect bullet to defeat Pitohui.

Shirley had the perfect plan to deal with her. She had her team disperse around the map to give them an advantage. Of course, if Shirley were defeated, they could become easy targets, but it’s worth it in her eyes. But she didn’t expect Clarence to get in the way.

That is until Shirley makes her move and snipes Clarence’s teammate. As the allied teams get killed by Shirley, it eventually leads to Clarence and Shirley dueling. Clarence had an advantage despite losing one of her guns as a snipper. It is nearly impossible to hit Clarence. Despite losing one of her legs, she damaged Shirley’s sniper gun, meaning if she tries to shoot it, it will end up killing her.

I feel that Clarence got a bit too confident as she admits to seeing how Shirley fights as she thinks that Shirley is screwed. As she changes her magazine, Shirley charges at her as she uses her sniper gun to get herself higher. As Clarence misses as she shoots at Shirley, she eventually lands on her. She takes out a knife and stabs her in a slow and brutal defeat. When Clarence asks for a kiss, we know that Shirley will decline it.

Shirley becomes relentless until the last minute when Clarence gives Shirley a surprise. I find it funny how Clarence shows and activates a hand grenade. Sure, Shirley tried to knock it away, but eventually, Clarence got her way after she got defeated and took Shirley down with her after the grenade went off. In other words, LLENN’s team didn’t have to do much work as Shirley and Charence did it for them, which was good for them. The sad thing, at least for Shirley, is that she never got the chance to defeat Pitohui, but it was an exciting fight that led to none of them winning in the end. I guess Shirley’s revenge against Pitohui has to wait until the next Squad Jam.

Shirley’s team was defeated one after another before the last player resigned, so the number of remaining teams dwindled significantly. From the preview, the rules are about to change in the second half. The end game is coming.