What if Magical Girls can be a successful business? A recent graduate, Sakuragi Kana, has trouble landing a job after college. However, a specific opportunity came her way that will change that.

At the beginning of the episode, we see a magical girl, Koshigaya Hitomi, face off a giant monster. Of course, she is trying to look badass and fight one while on a motorcycle. The funny thing is that she manages to pull it off despite the monster eating her broomstick. She uses a special device to suck in the Kaii like a Ghost Buster.
That said, we glimpse what magical girls do in this world. Businesses hire magical girl companies to deal with Kaii. Many women want to become one, given their coolness, since it also pays well.

As expected, Hitomi complained to Kaede, a regular office worker managing operations. She complains about how the new magic device is super hard to use. That is after Kaede tells her she shouldn’t get civilians involved, although the monster ate her broomstick. That said, it’s apparent that she is the only magical girl at the company, and they will probably need another to lighten the load off her.

Of course, we can’t forget about Sakuragi Kana, a recent graduate looking for a new job. She seems like Shizukaze Aoba, given that Kana has her hair in twin tails and is wearing an outfit that office ladies wear. Of course, it’s evident from the interview that she didn’t do so well, given that she couldn’t say something from her own words. Given her facial reactions, it’s unsurprising that she didn’t get the job. Still, I could relate to her struggles of handing a job since I got a bunch of interviews, but no offer until one eventually came in 2019.

We do find out that when a worker forgets the three orders, Kana can recite the last three orders and manage to get them right. We know she has a good memory, which could help her. That is while the business Kana will interview for has a problem with the rooms being too cold. They are cutting corners with the inspections because it’s expensive. Eventually, the room that they used for the interview got freezing.

When Kana tries to answer a question at the interview, a Kaii appears. It shows that one shouldn’t work at a company that cuts corners that far. The funny thing is that the manager tells his worker to call a magical company that will do it cheaply and quickly.

With Hitomi and Kaede wasting time during office hours and having no customers to take, they eventually got the call. Yep, believe it or not, we saw Hitomi’s transformation into her magical girl outfit as she headed to her client with a dynamic entrance. When she says the Kaii in the interview room, it’s obvious she can’t handle it alone with it that big since it needs two people. She, of course, asks for help to help reload the ammo. It’s funny how the manager only cares about the cost rather than the building becoming an iceberg. It tells you a lot about the company. They only care about the money.

Eventually, Kana decides to help out Hitomi. I find it funny that she rejected the interview for this finance company. With them neglecting the inspections, it’s probably not the company to work for. In short, Hitomi has Kana press a button on the iPad. Of course, Kana seems familiar with this software as she notices that Hitomi is using the wrong ammo and suggests changing the ammo and reloading. Kana knows how to use it since she saw a demo after trying to apply for a job there. Sure, they had to retreat for a bit while it reloaded, but Hitomi was able to defeat and capture the Kai as Kana was about to pass out.

Eventually, Hitomi came back with a recruit. It’s Kana as she sees the company that looks like a school club. When the company’s president appears, he dresses like a magical girl. Seeing Kana react as if she hadn’t expected this is funny.
(Also known as Magilumiere Co. Ltd.)