Now that Yohane has reconciled with Lailaps and has broken the spell that allowed Lailaps to talk, it’s now up to Yohane and her friends to stop the calamity.
As expected, the evacuation is underway, but there is a problem. Transportation is at capacity. With that, some of the townspeople take shelter instead. Also, Kanan’s robot goes out of commission, possibly because of the calamity. With the deers under the influence of the calamity starting to penetrate the town’s HQ and Dia’s bike and suit out of commission, what will the girls do?

Eventually, Dia located Yohane as she activated her wand and talked to everyone. She realized that she wanted to sing to protect everyone and wanted her friends to help her. After all, the power of songs is what keeps the calamity away.

I admit the group song they sang is good until the girls are ejected, and Yohane is floating near the calamity while out cold. That is until Lailaps came into Yohane, the last push she needed. She picks up the growing feather as the girls call out for it. Yohane starts to sing, and the other girls finish the job.

With the calamity vanquished, the girls saved the day. That glowing feather, of course, disappears. In the end, we see the town returning to normal. It’s nice that Yohane decided to stay in town instead of taking the audition. The lady shows that she turned it down but is singing elsewhere.

Yohane realizes she doesn’t need to be big anymore. Yohane intends to stay in the place she loves and only goes to Tokai to get over her frustration. As expected, she hasn’t figured out the homework her mother assigned her. I suppose she will figure it out someday as the show ends off where it started in the first episode with that short scene.
Final Thoughts
As expected, Genjitsu no Yohane is an interesting spinoff with a happier ending than the second season of Love Live Sunshine. Yet, the same themes are with Yohane figuring out herself, like Aqours trying to figure out their identity instead of imitating Muse. Yes, that moment when Aqours received 0 votes in one competition.
Of course, a similar theme is here as Yohane tries to figure out what she wants to do as she reconnects, creates new friends, and rediscover her love for the town and singing. Of course, the world-building is pretty light in this fantasy spinoff. Mari explains that songs keep the balance of nature in check, and without them, calamity builds, and eventually, the world ends. There is a mix of fantasy moments with some technology, especially in Tokai. Also, it’s nice to see a reference to Guilty Kiss, as Yohane is also seen with Mari and Riko in quite a few scenes. Not only that, with Hanamaru, whom she is very close with Yohane/Yoshiko in the main series.
Aside from that, if you enjoy Sunshine and like Yohane/Yoshiko’s character or indifferent, you might enjoy this show. The show has some fantastic moments, especially with Dia and Chika with her sisters. You should skip this one if you find Yohane/Yoshiko annoying or dislike her. Since I like Yohane, I enjoyed this show quite a bit, given her personality.
With that, this wraps up the rather underwhelming season, especially given the drop in comments compared to previous summers. Let’s hope that things picks up again, including interactions in the comments section for the Fall to end off the year strong.
Really loved this show, I wish there would be a new season soon.
We’ll see depending how well received it is in terms of sales and such, but I won’t be surprised if it happens sometime in the future.
A very fun spinoff. It’s great seeing Aqours one more time and they had a neat adventure with familiar elements and CRAZY new stuff I look forward to see more of in the upcoming games.
I like this Yohane more than OG Yoshiko. Her relationship with Lailaps was nice as was their story. The rest of Aqours were great with the obvious one being perfect as always. Would like to see more Kohaku in the future.
Agreed, and yes, the games should be interesting to check out once they come out for sure.
As much I like Chuunibyou Yoshiko, I agree that Yohane has good development as well and the depiction of the rest of Aqours is good, although seeing a more mature Mari is interesting though.