Last time, Yohane found Dia in her power suit with Lailaps unconscious. Is this the end of Lailaps, or is it something else involving that faithful spell that Yohane cast on Lailaps?
Ever since Yohane discovered an unconscious Lailaps, she seems worried. Riko continues to monitor her as things are all right. Yohane thinks this is her fault since she threw her staff over the bridge. However, Miki is looking for Nami and Sakura. Apparently, Miki revealed that Sakura ran away from home after she was mean to her, and Nami looked for it.

Yes, this seems like a rough situation, but it resembles Yohane’s problem with Lailaps. Yohane gets upset over Lailaps not coming with her to Tokai, and she feels Lailaps ruined the party, too. Of course, Yohane goes out to find Nami and Sakura, and Miki believes they are at the Taurus Marsh Garden, Sakura’s favorite place. Yohane heard the pig’s voice and found them. Sadly, the effects of the calamity get to Yohane as she collapses.

We see some flashbacks of Yohane’s time with Lailaps. Some scenes include Yohane naming Lailaps, Lailaps saving Yohane from all and Yohane winning a race against her. That is after Yohane left, and Yohane never said goodbye to her but seems upset. Eventually, it woke up. That is when Chika, Riko and Dia try to wave Yohane up. Either way, Sakura and Nami are safe. Of course, Sakura wanted to get something for Miki, and she wasn’t mad at her.

When Riko and Yohane got back, Lailaps was missing. Yohane, with Riko, tried to look for her. Eventually, Yohane went home, and she lay down on the floor. She wondered what went wrong as she remembered something. The magic started when Yohane cast a spell on Lailaps, wishing she could talk and become a little sister who could speak. After all, Yohane had a hard time making friends and felt lonely. I find Yohane’s reaction when Lailaps could actually talk funny and cute.

Eventually, Yohane finds Lailaps at the place she believes she is. We find out from the flashbacks that Yohane intends to leave to try to pursue a job in singing. In that instance, Lailaps really didn’t like the idea. We discover why she is so against this idea as Yohane gets angry at her for the first time.
We find out why. Lailaps treated Yohane as a child as she didn’t want her to leave her side. After promising Yohane’s mother to look after her until she becomes her own person, she dreads the moment when Yohane becomes an adult. This would mean that she would be alone, and she didn’t want that and was scared of that moment. Therefore, she convinced herself that Yohane needed her so that wouldn’t happen.

Thankfully, Lailaps realized that she was the one that needed to grow up. After all, Yohane showed signs of growing up when she wanted to try to pursue a career in singing. Yep, in a way, Lailaps is a mirror of Yohane. Of course, Yohane now has friends who support her. Lailaps realizes the spell can’t go on forever, and even if she is gone, their hearts are still connected.

Aside from Yohane’s musical performance, it appears the spell is finally broken, and things return to normal. Lailaps is just a regular pet dog, as it can’t talk. Of course, Yohane realizes one thing: it’s not the staff that has any magical powers but shows proof of the magic that connects her with her friends and Lailaps. Of course, Lailaps barks as the spell finally breaks, and she can’t speak anymore. While this is bittersweet, it is eventually going to happen. With that, I wonder what will happen in the finale.
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