A strange lightning bolt landed after Yohane showed Mari the tree stump stage she usually performs on. I wonder, what is that all about.
From last time, Yohane and Mari witnessed a strange lightning bolt at the site of the tree stump. In the first episode, there was a remanence of electricity after Yohane received that magical staff. Is this related to this and Yohane’s performance? We don’t know for sure, but it certainly startled them.
The funny thing is that Riko got out of the bushes after they got away from the site and scared them. Yep, the Guilty Kiss gang is finally coming together, and they share one thing in common. More on that later.

With that, Riko takes Yohane and Mari to the library. Of course, she gets excited over the sea creatures accompanying Mari that hide behind Lailaps. Before that happened, she hugged Lailaps and introduced herself. She explains the phenomenon of animals acting strange on the mountain in Numazu. As expected, it’s tied to the calamity as animals can hear it well, likewise with the children. Of course, Mari tells what she knows about the Resonance thing that protects the town, and Yohane may also be a factor.
With that, Riko finally shares her findings with Dia. That is not without Yohane offering up a chance for Riko to examine Lailaps to her liking. Yep, she didn’t like that. They conclude that they have to deal with it at some point.

As expected, when Riko discovers Ruby, a fairy, she gets excited as Riko hides. Of course, Riko won’t stop as Ruby pushes the large flower vase. I didn’t know how Ruby managed to push it off, but Yohane made an excellent save as Mari saved Riko from a hand fall. Thankfully, the flowers made it back into the vase.

Of course, Dia doesn’t want Yohane to handle the situation alone. She wants Mari and Riko to accompany her. Of course, Riko turns them down while heading back with Yohane and Mari. She doesn’t want to create memories and feels she must leave. Yohane, with Mari, decides to catch Riko before she goes to find out. We find out the reason why when Riko’s parents kept moving. As a result, she couldn’t make friends as she would have to say goodbye to them when she moved.

You might be wondering about her fascination with animals. When she took in a lost dog, she grew an attachment to animals, given how friendly they are. While she found its owner, Riko became lonely again. When her mother offered her a pet, she refused as she was afraid of saying goodbye. She settled with reading about animals in books and seeing them in person. As a result, Riko leaves when she feels she gets a bit too close.

In a way, Yohane feels that she can relate to Riko as she had issues fitting in. Since Mari also feels the same regarding her horns and people judging her by her appearance, Yohane can connect with her. After hearing Riko’s reasons, Yohane finally hugs her telling her she is a liar and they are the same, being shy in their own way. There comes the music montage, which is basically Guilty Kiss, which is nice.

Either way, they became friends. However, Yohane wants to sing, but she can’t use that stage again. Still, Yohane intends to protect the town, so they must find another way to sing Resonances. As expected, the book said the singer has to want to sing. Knowing this, she decides to do it. They share their plans with Dia, and Riko chooses to help her. As for a stage for Yohane to perform on, Dia knows a place. Thankfully, Yohane has the support of Riko and Mari, unlike the time Yohane auditioned. Can she pull it off? We’ll see.
Reviews from Other Bloggers
Yohane The Parhelion Episode 6: Loner Squad – The Yuri Empire
My favorite parts were Riko going crazy for rare creatures, especially a certain perfect imouto fairy. Mari found a kindred spirit and the two have Yohane to lead them on the right path, to her bed.
As expected, one can only expect the best from Guilty Kiss, which is no wonder they are close. I agree, Riko’s reaction to seeing crazy creatures and her reaction to Ruby is funny and cute. I guess we’ll see that family dog at some point, hopefully.