As expected, we have yet another adaptation of an Atelier game. This time is, Atelier Ryza as Reisalin Stout decides she has had enough of being forced to do farming work and harvesting. With that, she wants to go on an adventure with her friends, which gets her into trouble.
Yes, this episode is two episodes long, clocking in at 48 minutes, but it’s almost how I remembered it. Sure, the animation is a step up compared to the first adaptation of an Atelier game, namely Atelier Escha & Logy.

At first impression, the first half of the episode can be summed up as Ryza being forced to do farm work. Of course, she wants to escape it all as she plans to go on an adventure on the whim with her friends, Lent and Tao. She wants to leave the island and go to that “Pixie Forest.” While there is all the talk of this breaking tradition because a merchant is coming to the island.

Of course, Ryza finds a rowboat, and she and her friends make it across the island. They do some exploring following the path. The funny thing is that they ran into some Blue Punis, which are cute and perhaps the weakest monsters in the game. That is after Klaudia runs into Ryza, who gets separated from the train heading to the island.

Still, it’s pitiable how Lent says he can take these monsters without any issues, but in practice, not so much. Also, Ryza throwing “Unis” didn’t do much as she has poor aim. I can understand the pixies, as those monsters were stronger. Lent eventually gets himself in a dire situation until Empel and Lila show up to defeat the monsters. Ryza becomes interested in the bomb Empel used and the ointment he used to heal Lent’s wounds.

Bos bullies Ryza and her friends for causing trouble and breaking traditions when they head home. That is compared to Klaudia’s father, who tanks Ryza for saving her daughter. Of course, Ryza and her friends ask Empel and Lila to teach them stuff. They only decided to after Ryza showed that she had the affinity of becoming an alchemist. You might be wondering what they do. They create new items from other ingredients.
Overall, it’s a good premiere. Sure, there can be so much one can focus on Ryza’s thick thighs. Of course, Klaudia and Lila are cute, but it remains if there are any yuri moments with Ryza and Klaudia. Either way, I probably won’t cover this, although I will watch it. With that, you can see my impressions of this show on my Mastodon. You should probably join us at Sakurajima if you don’t have a Mastodon account yet since the birdsite isn’t getting any better (it’s dying).
Like I said if the show pushes Ryza X Klaudia hard I’ll give it a go. As tempting as Ryza’s magnificence is it’s not enough of a draw.
Yes, Ryza’s thighs can only do so much, although I haven’t watch the recent two episodes since I was focusing on other shows in my backlog, some I will write impressions about soon.