We know those pesky Farrengram family nobles, especially their son, are up to no good. Of course, their son did the unthinkable to Yuna’s friends. Of course, they will feel her wrath.
As Elonore and Yuna head out of Misa’s castle to do some errands, Yuna notices something strange. She receives a call from Fina calling for help. Apparently, the masked adventurer that the Farrengram family’s son attacked Fina and Noa and kidnapped Misa.
Of course, when Yuna hears that Fina and Noa are in trouble, she races back to Misa’s castle and finds a big mess. Yuna told her what had happened, and it was apparent that everyone tried to protect Fina.

Either way, Yuna knew who the culprit was since Yuna described the Farregram’s son’s bodyguard perfectly. Either way, Yuna is out for cold blood toward the Farregrams since they committed the worst sin ever. Yep, by hurting Yuna’s friends. We see a glimpse of Farrengram throwing Misa into a cell with three other children detained for no reason. Of course, their son did it so the other side would have to give up their half of the city. Of course, his father is livid, as when they find out, they will get caught.

As expected, Yuna came in with a bang beating down the guards and pretty much everyone. Even Farrengram’s son’s bodyguard, while strong, couldn’t even defeat Yuna. Yuna defended themselves from all his attacks, and she saw through his surprise attack.

Eventually, she knocks him out with a bunch while Kumakyuu and Kumayuru beat the crap out of the other guards. I find it funny Yuna has no problem attacking the father and especially the son of the Farrengram family. After all, if you do something to harm her female harem, she will beat you down. They learn that the hard way, especially their son, who lays hands on Misa, who gets a punch directly in his face.

Of course, his father tries to brush the brame, but Elonore arrives at the right time with the royal guards to look for evidence. As expected, they uncovered more dirt besides Misa’s kidnapping and three other children. Farrengram’s father and son got the death penalty, and all their noble status was stripped.

At least Yuna brought back Misa with Noa and Fina reuniting with her in an emotional moment. After all, Yuna is happy to help them to see smiles on her friends’ faces. Now, Elonore believes that Yuna is a goddess that brings happiness to people and makes bad people suffer. I guess this is why Fina and Noa have Yuna wear a fancy dress that makes her look like a princess or goddess. Either way, they part ways and return home. Also, the part about stuff happening between being a story for next time can only make me speculate.
Final Thoughts
As expected, the second season of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear is basically more of the first season but with more fun adventures from Yuna. As expected, Yuna’s female harem grew quite a bit as she accomplished quite a lot. Either way, the second season continues what makes the first season great, the lighthearted, cute and heartwarming moments with some nice Yuna and Fina moments. Of course, seeing Yuna in a different outfit besides her usual bear onesie is a treat. Still, we never learned about the round object the goddess gave her. We won’t find out until they decide to make a third season or just read the light novels, as always.
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