When Mitsuha decided to help the Reiners, there was a hint that she would do something restaurant related. Now it becomes apparent and bringing back some vibes of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear.
Believe it or not, Mitsuha saves Sabine, and she spends a lot of time with her. Someone mentions that it’s starting to resemble the show, as mentioned earlier. After all, Sabine kind of resembles Noire while Colette with Fina. Sadly, Colette doesn’t quite have as much screen time, but will it finally fix itself soon? After all, it’s been more than 7 episodes since Mitsuha last saw her.

Now, this episode really starts to give the vibes of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear. As for the lady who dashes Mitsuha’s shop, Alina is apparently in love with a coworker. However, a son of a large restaurant tries to approach her and try to make a romance with her. Of course, Alina is not interested and rejects him. The father of the restaurant chain sabotage Alina’s restaurant by injuring her father and having a top chef leave. It’s a ploy to get that son’s father to buy the restaurant, so Alina has to marry that creep.

While I won’t mention Ailina’s relationship since it’s pretty superficial. That said, Mitsuha has the plan to prop up their restaurant. Yes, it’s like Yuna trying to open a restaurant. Of course, Mitsuha foregoes fast food like burgers and fries. Instead, she teaches Alina and her coworker “Yamano cuisine,” just Japanese cuisine. She used word of mouth to help promote the shop’s reopening. Of course. Grit and Ilse came to help with the restaurant temporarily, as well as Sabine. Yep, they wore maid outfits that resembled Mitsuha’s. Yep, no bear costumes this time.

As expected, the noble family that helped Mitsuha, the royal family, and Reimer Family’s cook, the perpetrator hired to disprove Alina’s restaurant came. But, of course, that rival restaurant owner’s plans failed as the cook really liked Mitsuha’s new dishes and complained about why she didn’t teach him.

Either way, the rival restaurant owner’s plan failed as Mitsuha turned the table on him. The royal guards jailed him and his perpetrators when they discovered what they did. Yep, it proves that trying to sabotage someone’s business through violence never ends well.

Sure, Mitsuha didn’t earn much by helping a restaurant, but she feels good about helping someone out. After all, it’s a break from ripping off rich people. Also, she hasn’t forgotten about Colette as she finally receives her letter. However, it took a while because of the monsters. So, we know where this is heading, and probably another task for Mitsuha to resolve. Will this mean that Mitsuha will finally visit Colette? We’ll see soon enough.
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