After Maho overcame her sickness, Rinku, Muni and Rei helped create the song together. Noa realizes something while watching their performance. As expected, they want to do something different, but will their talent agency allow them to?
As expected, we knew that Photon Maiden would be the best for last, as Saki said they would do a new song for Operation Beckoning Cat. However, now that all the bands created new songs out of their comfort zone, Saki feels that something is missing in the new music while everyone has the new colors. In short, she felt the new song was inside her group’s comfort zone and wanted to try something new.

The real gist of the episode is that Noa decided to create a new song based on Saki’s feedback. Her idea is to create a unit intro song for Photon Maiden, which they didn’t have in mind before. While getting the idea off the ground is tough, Towa is willing to go for it. With Towa’s help, Noa explained the details to Ibuki and Saki based on the survey results as a re-imagination of the group. In short, something new, but it does not stay too far from the usual Photon Maiden image. Even with more brainstorming, they still struggled with the overall vision for the new song.

As for the proposal presentation, it didn’t go so well. The staff members seemed unimpressed as Noa struggled to save the presentation after Saki played her music sample by throwing random quotes. While they like the idea, it has disadvantages, and new management might find it too risky. One of the ladies on the committee said to Noa that the quotes she was using weren’t her own words. It’s obvious they blew it and came unprepared, especially with the lack of enthusiasm due to their anxieties.
After all the hard work, Noa looked like she was crying. In the empty conference room, Noa called someone. The next day, Noa finally admitted she called the producer about the proposal. Their producer wouldn’t give a concrete answer. Interestingly, she tells them that they should express how they feel. Noa didn’t do that as she threw out quotes. I understand that she was nervous.

Noa’s decision to come clean by letting her anxieties out shows a common theme of the other episodes. If you haven’t realized, in the last 6 episodes, there is a common theme for all of these spotlight episodes. It’s on how each DJ group is overcoming its challenges through teamwork. Noa kind of made a mistake by trying to go it alone to figure out the new image. Yep, in a way, Noa kind of made the same mistake as Saori. But at least she admits to it instead of blowing up in her friend’s face. Also, it seems Saki, Ibuki, and Towa felt the same.
After admitting their anxieties, they managed to present their proposal again. Finally, they concluded that their real selves are super cute rather than cool. After all, cuteness is the opposite of cool in a sense.

One of the committee members asks about the cuteness thing, and Noa explains the aspects of each member that makes them cute, which make the song cute for sure. With that, Noa apologizes for wanting to cancel the song’s production as she wants to take the challenge since she loves Photon Maiden. It’s nice to see her enthusiasm, which was severely lacking on their first try. At least they are happy to have their proposal go through. Thankfully, everyone seems to like their new song that embodies cuteness.

With everyone’s spotlight episode complete, this leaves the summer training camp. Yep, it’s time for all the DJ groups to enjoy time together under one roof as they head for the home stretch of Operation Beaconing Cat.
The 2nd presentation was everything. Bless it and Noa. So good!
Yep, a bit of more confidence go a long way, but I do like how Noa takes the cute aspect and runs with it. It’s pretty cute.