What did Anna want to say to Michi while on the rope? Then, it becomes apparent what it is.
Ever since coming back from the regional tournament, Anna has a feeling of feeling left out. I wonder if it’s because she wanted to spend more time with Michi. Sure, Anna has to explain this to her father. But, after all, she only has three more years to be with Michi and create some memories.
As expected, that gym teacher chased them out before Anna could reveal her intention. But, as expected, Towa and Sanae were listening in. Even so, Anna still has what she wants to say to Michi on her mind during exams.

When Anna came to get 100 points cutlet sandwich, it was sold out. Thankfully, Towa thought of her and bought one. Either way, Anna wonders why Towa went to a different school despite having the potential to join a club with some weak. Yep, Anna believes that Michi is weak. Then, of course, Towa mentions that she regrets getting her feelings across to someone precious. But, of course, we know who that is. She couldn’t approach Michi after her match and felt jealous of Anna’s outgoing and confident personality. Still, Anna thinks that Towa is strange.

Anna wants to spend her three years with Michi. Sure, she calls Michi, but she brings up that thing again. Thankfully, it didn’t amount to anything, as she mentions quitting Kendo. I find it funny how Michi brings this up, although annoying it might be.

Thankfully, Anna makes it clear that she intends to join the Judo club and quit the Kendo club despite enjoying the sport. It’s making. Yes, it was a tough decision as it might disappoint her father, but thankfully, Anna said she wanted to spend time with Michi. Thankfully, her father accepted as he learned about her from his daughter.

After Anna makes her intentions clear, she ties the belt. Either way, Anna gets to bask in getting her own Judogi, but with a white belt since she is a beginner. But, of course, she was a quick learner thanks to the book she borrowed from Towa. Also, nice to see Anna spend some time with Michi experiencing what it’s like to get thrown down. We also see a montage of the girls of the Judo club running in a relay race at a sports festival.

With that, this leaves the upcoming tournament. While Shino is impressed by Anna’s progress in mastering her Judo skills, she doesn’t think Anna is ready yet. Even so, she doesn’t have to worry as she is still part of the Judo club, and Shino put her name on the list. Still, Shino needs five members. Apparently, Shino has one in mind. Yep, it’s the girl in the Judo club before it disbanded, but she never rejoined until now. So we’ll find out what she is like next time.
Is necessary to eat Marie biscuits while watching this show?
My full thoughts coming soon.
Unless this is somehow your first anime ever you don’t need a fluent Japanese friend to know Crunchy subberw toned down Nagumo’s feelings. Doesn’t matter because we know better. Love Nagumo so much.
Excited for sexy senpai next time.
I’m pretty sure this show is subbed by Hidive, but yeah it’s somewhat disappointing, although it’s obvious how Nagumo feels about Michi. But yes, the former member should be interesting next time.