After Mitsuha’s hard work, Adelide’s debutante ball is hugely successful. However, isn’t Mitsuha neglecting a particular noble family that helped her open up her store in the capital?
Mitsuha’s efforts with the ball were a huge success. Everyone loves the food and entertainment, although the Bozes found Mitsuha doing stuff. Iris, in general, didn’t like how Mitsuha didn’t come back and visit them, Iris in particular. It’s easy to see why since Mitsuha was so busy helping the Reiners prepare for the ball’s success.

After being closed for a while, Mitsuha opened her store. She made 260 gold from the ball, or 26,000,000 yen or $200,000. She is raking in the dough, ripping off rich people like a capitalist. At least she is making progress in earning enough money to retire.

Of course, we see a person that demanded fish from Mitsuha. Sure, Mitsuha said she doesn’t sell any, but the guy is persistent and threatens her that she will receive the wrath of Baron Turk. Thankfully, Iris and her husband came to defend Mitsuha from the disgruntled cook from the Baron Turk family. I find it funny how they drag out Mitsuha after driving the guy away.

When Mitsuha visits their mansion, it’s evident that Adelaide seems disappointed that she didn’t get to go to the ball. That is after hearing about what Mitsuha did for the ball regarding the food and entertainment. Yep, Adelaide wants a ball of her own in two years and asks Mitsuha if she can help. Also, it’s funny how Mitsuha needs to come up with a story of how she got the wares that can’t be found in the other world. While there are apparent inconsistencies, they still believe her story.

Of course, she took the offer, and they talked more during the evening. I find it funny how Mitsuha’s descriptions of what to expect, such as fireworks, food, and an animal parade. On the other hand, I find Adelaide’s interpretations of it quite amusing but not surprising since these ideas seem foreign to her.

The part that shrugs is Adelaide talking about marriage. It’s obvious why this talk is mid. This is obviously something Mitsuha doesn’t seem to care about as she tries to tip-toe around these questions. Mitsuha is getting one gold in exchange for answering them, although she gets upset about Adelaide hiding something. Yep, she does it for the money to mislead them, but Adelaide got her trust. I wonder if she actually does something malicious or not, although Adelaide might have outsmarted her.

The next day, Mitsuha had no customers as it started raining when she got the idea of selling umbrellas. A fugitive enters the shop, and an adventurer is looking for him. He lost his sword from his failed attack and grabbed a knife. His hostage-taking fails since Mitsuha has the self-defense tools on her, although she chased after the perp that stole her knife. Eventually, the guy got caught.

Either way, it seems that Mitsuha finds another opportunity to earn money. Yes, hiring mercenaries to do quests with her and make money. Of course, Colette gets some screen time shaking an apple tree. Is she already missing Mitsuha? At this point, probably.