Sonoda Michi, with Takigawa Sanae, finally competed in their last tournament. However, how the tournament went for Michi caused her to want to quit Judo forever. However, someone tries to convince her otherwise after getting into high school.
As expected, Michi is a cheerful and laid-back girl. However, simultaneously, Sanae is a bit more serious and apparently her childhood friend. Sadly, Sanae didn’t win her round as her opponent managed to do an ipponon her.

Michi faces off against Towa Hiura. While she was strong, Michi almost got an ippon despite getting a bloody nose. Sadly, Sanae caught her off guard, thinking it was one, but it was not. Hiura did one on Michi as she struggled to release Huira from her hold, but it failed. I can see why Michi is happy for the match to be over, as she didn’t like Judo for the harsh training sessions all year round and of getting injured.

Michi passed out in an embarrassing moment that someone uploaded to the internet. There is no wonder why Michi really wanted to quit Judo. Of course, Negumo Anna made it to the semi-finals for Kendo but failed there. Michi plans to go to West Aoba, and Sanae will probably tag along. Of course, Anna intends to help her study for the entrance exams, even if Michi doesn’t need it. The funny thing is that Hiura overheard Michi’s plans as she followed her for some reason.

A few months later, Michi and Sanae are in the same class. Of course, Anna really wants Michi to join the Kendo club, even though she doesn’t want to do any. We see Hiura, who Michi faced, trying to put a tatami mat up. That is when the Judo club is about to get disbanded. It needs three members as Hiura and Anna get into a tug-of-war match and use Michi as a rope. I have to admit, seeing that was hilarious.

In the end, Sanae gives Michi a push as she rips Anna. Somehow, Michi manages to pull off an ippon on Hiura. Sanae convinces her to try Judo again, and this time they won’t do the harsh training. Also, maybe Michi needs to put on sunscreen, so she won’t complain about her skin peeling off from the sun burns. Makes you wonder if we will get that beach episode.
Either way, we learned that Michi was the one that convinced Sanae to do Judo. So at least Sanae returns the favor to Michi this time. Also, Anna tags along as well.

Overall, it’s an interesting first episode. Sure, I ignore the whole getting a boyfriend thing, but it can make a solid slice of life schoolgirl sports anime. Have to give them props as the animation also look good. It should be interesting to see their second attempt at Judo. Can they get further and win this time? We’ll see.
The judo was pretty good and the girls were mostly likable. Tone down or preferably get rid of the “gag” and we’re all set. This has all the makings of another fun girls sports anime so long as they cut that crap out.
Yes, it’s a pretty good start, like I said in the last post, the boyfriend gag is really not needed, but hopefully can be a good sports anime without the mention of this ever again, and the second epidode might be pointing in that direaction.