From last time, Serufu calls Miku down and invites her to help them build their secret hideout. So will she finally join the DIY club after bashing it while secretly enjoying it?

From last time, there are signs that Miku is finally joining the DIY club after saying it’s “moldy, outdated and useless” several times. Sure, she shows her tsundere personality as her cheeks puffs while handing the drill back to Serufu. But, of course, there is no hiding from the truth as Juliet spills the beans. The fact that she enjoys making accessories and helping Juliet with the blueprints. Yes, I should catch a Scream Tail (aka “ancient Jigglypuff”) and call Miku. After all, her nickname shares the same name with Jigglypuff’s Japanese name, Purin.

In short, Miku, like most tsundere, have difficulty being honest with their feelings. But that is okay if it takes a while. Thankfully, she did this time, as she wanted to do DIY and be with Serufu. However, she obviously felt left out, given how she reacted while seeing Serufu and even Kokoro with other people having fun. Also, it’s obvious she defrosted as she uses her nickname as part of the name card.

Aside from that, it’s nice to see how the tree house comes together. Rei’s parents show their expertise when they drill the holes in the tree to put in the tree attachment bolts. Yep, Kokoro shows her tree-climbing skills. Also, it’s interesting to see how they level the bolts before putting the others in. Also, we see Miku and Takumi build the decorations. At the same time, Serufu, Kokoro, Juliet, and Rei work with the foundation, walls, and roof.

After that, they build the boards that will serve as the flooring and foundation for the tree house. Lastly, they put up the walls and the roof. Sadly, they came up short of wood, so Kokoro went Gordon Freeman pulling up the floor planks with a crowbar and dismantling shelves of the old place. Let’s hope the former DIY club members are okay with that. Then again, it can always be replaced. Either way, they have enough to complete the project.

This was an excellent episode, especially since Miku finally joined the DIY club. That is after 10 episodes of her belittling it while secretly wanting to be a part of it. Seeing her talking with Serufu without acting so harshly is nice. Also, they shared the sandwiches they ate out of. Indirect kiss? Still, the Miku and Serufu moments are lovely after Miku finally defrosted. It took us so long, but it was well worth it.
With that, it should be interesting to see the final product next time. The question is, is it enough to bring in more members and save the club? We’ll find out next week.
Still don’t fully get what Purin’s deal was so I’ll go with she’s too embarrassed to admit she loved Serufu as more than a friend. In any case glad we’re mostly done with the tsun stuff. Expectations shattered as she didn’t join in the finale but the SEMI-FINAL EPISODE!
Looking forward to the conclusion.
Yes, it took so long to get Miku to the point of fully defrosting, but it’s understandable why it took so long for her to change her mind, but it’s finally good to see her at this point and recognizing she wants to be with Serufu. But it should be interesting to see how the final product turns out.