With Haikagura believing the war is not over and feeling the need to eliminate all humans, can Haizakura stop her? What are the memories that Haizakura remembers?
From the looks of it, it seems that Haikagura, formerly Kikka, hasn’t gotten over what happened during the war. She is still in the war-time mindset. Thankfully, Haizakura wakes up along with Karasuba, Gekka, Houkiboshi, and Retzel. Gekka flees with Haizakura as the others escape Haikagura’s wrath.

As expected, Haikagura of every mechanica and remaining automata. Yep, Haikagura has basically become Skynet. She wants to turn mechanica and automatas against her creator and wants Haizakura to join in. I don’t see this ending well for her, given what ultimately happened to Okka. More on that later.

Eventually, Haiakura escaped and hid with Chiyo. Chiyo thought it was a good idea to go to the site the Black Cat Café used to stand. Of course, from what Haikagura is doing, she thinks Haisakura is Okka and a weapon. That is while Haizakura disagrees.

Of course, Chiyo got caught off guard by Yugiri while she tried to make a sigh. Chiyo really thought Yugiri was back, but something was off about her. She is looking for Haizakura before she starts choking Chiyo. Haizakura eventually had to save her by disconnecting Haikagura’s control of Yugiri.
Haizakura realizes things are serious when a mechanica attacks Chiyo and sees her seriously injured. Thankfully, Haizakura brought them to the hospital. I hope Chiyo makes it out alive and fully recovers, although it looked terrible. Also, it appears that Nagi installed jamming devices on Karasuba, Gekka, Houkiboshi, and Retzel, so Haikagura can’t hard link to them.

We learn more about Haisakura’s actual origins and why Okka and Kikka mean so much to Nagi. Believe it or not, Okka and Kikka looked after Nagi before the war started, and he treated them like family.
His grandfather apparently had a second identical model of Okka, Kikka, as a backup if something went wrong. He had to use Kikka to stop Okka after she went haywire trying to control all the mechanica. When her logic systems failed, the mechanica turned against them. Yep, that was a Hail-Mary move that turned out to become a complete blunder. It proved that while not humans, dolls can become psychologically impacted by war.

That can explain why they look the same, with slight design differences in hair, eyes, and clothing. They were playful but elegant and had rabbit-shaped dolls as their companions. Part of the memories of Okka got backed up on one of the Inaba dolls. I have to admit, it’s sad seeing Okka and Kikka living a carefree life and eventually living the harsh reality of war. In the last flashback scene with Okka, she could barely sing. I must admit it’s heartbreaking to see Okka, that used to be cheerful in this state. No matter what, the psychological effects of war affect everyone.
In short, Nagi attempted to resurrect Okka in the military. Sadly, it’s been difficult as Okka completely lost her memories. He eventually receives Inaba from her grandfather, who has memories of Okka. Sadly, the efforts were fruitless as he ultimately quit the military but still worked on the project in secret. Instead of resurrecting Okka, he ended up creating Haizakura. He did this for sentimental value since Okka and Kikka are his friends.
In other words, Haizakura is not Okka, but actually Inaba with Okka’s experiences and abilities. This can explain her pure and innocent personality and barely any war-fighting skills. Therefore, I can see her ability to control mechanica is minimal. However, she was able to stop Haikagura’s plans to kill all humans and have dolls and robots rule.

Essentially, Haizakura took Haikagura’s controls away and shut down the mechanica. Of course, it comes at a cost as Haikagura eventually reaches her limit, but Haizakura stops her before she breaks. But, of course, she is in the same condition, and many mechanica under Haikagura’s control has no commands and can go rogue. So, can Haizakura make it out of this situation? We’ll find out in the finale.
Very nice twist with Haizakura being Inaba and not Oka. Her Duel against Haikagura was brief but intense.
Hope Haizakura will be okay.
That fact was surprising, but not too surprising since the actual body of Okka got damaged several episodes back, but kind of cool how part of Okka was in Inaba. Hopefully she will make it.