After coming back from a week-long vacation to visit my parents in New Jersey, I’m back to see a chaotic week. This includes Kazuki Takahashi passing away and what happened to Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which is shocking and upsetting. As a result, I didn’t get much sleep because of today’s events.
That said, it’s probably not the best time to check something sad like Prima Dolls or Warau Arsnotoria Sun. Maybe I marathon Shadows House and cover the second season. This is something that I might do instead and leave the other two shows for later. Otherwise, the summer season looks a bit empty, with me covering only three shows.
Since I feel exhausted, I want to take my mind off and cover something lighthearted. Perhaps Chloe going to Japan for a two-day trip to visit Kanna? Absolutely! I wonder how Riko would react when she meets Chloe.
If you remember from the last season, Kanna became upset and flew to New York. By chance, she met Chloe and saved her from the kidnappers not once but twice. So, it’s nice to see Kyoto Animation finally make an episode focusing on Chloe’s visit to Japan.

While it’s short, it was a satisfying experience. On the first day, they went to Akihabara. It’s fun to see Chloe play with Ilulu, Tohru, and Fafnir in a VR shooting space shooting game. Is this the reference to the game they came out recently? Still, it’s funny to see Kanna go down. Yes, I find it interesting how anime presents the VR experience. I can’t get enough of how amazing VR is in Birdie Wing, where Eve plays golf as a cat girl. They did some gacha as well.

As expected, the girls also ate a lot of sweets. They ate crapes, rainbow cotton candy, and pancakes. Not too surprising since Elma has a sweet tooth. Still, I find it funny how Chloe thinks that Tohru and Elma get along well after seeing them bicker. The saying that opposites attract holds true here.

Of course, the visit doesn’t stop there, as Chloe wants to see what Kanna’s day is like. Yep, she meets Riko, who comes over to visit. Yes, Riko shows envy as Kanna is hers, until after hearing how Chloe met Kanna. Yep, she changed her tune quite quickly since she was doing it for Kanna’s sake. Also, I find it funny how Chloe lost the punishment game.

Aside from that, it’s nice to see how Chloe stole everyone’s attention when she came to the pool in a school swimsuit. Of course, Riko tells off the boys who are staring at her. Still, it’s nice to see them have fun at the pool. Not only that, Kanna plays Twister with Chloe while Riko watches, and hilarity ensues. Yep, Riko finds it stimulating to see Kanna play Twister with Chloe. After all, we know how that turned out last time, right?

Lastly, Chloe, Riko, and Kanna dressed in their Yukatas and had fun with fireworks on the rooftop. They also had a grill out. Also, the moment when Kanna embraces Chloe’s right arm is precious.

Sure, Chloe’s visit was short, but it was a fun one. Still, it’s nice to see Kanna talk to Chloe and Riko on Zoom. Either way, I hope Chloe will return for a month’s visit someday. Overall, it’s a friendly and fun episode to forget about the dark moments of this week.
Of course, OG-Man reviewed this episode as well, so also check out his review as well (although it’s an archived version since he tends to remove old episodic reviews, but thankfully not lost.).
Covering this episode after a tragic day was a good idea.
Very happy we got to see the fated visit by Chloe to Japan. It’s as wonderful as we hoped. Riko and her meeting was my highlight. We know her true love is Kanna but cuties like Ilulu and Chloe make it hard to stay loyal.
Agreed, last week was just crazy.
Yes, Riko meeting Chloe and how she reacted was interested. You would think that she will become the green-eyed monster, but I guess her love and loyalty to Kanna is strong that she can’t get upset that long. Not to mention, she is close by, so she still has an advantage, at least in Kanna’s harem.
Precisely. Riko’s the closest to Kanna so she has the advantage.