Now that Kotone and Fa returned from their short summer vacation, it’s back to the usual routine. Of course, Kotone, Rufuria, Rakira and Fa decided to go into a fancy clothes shop. Also, the mystery behind Fa deepens.
As Kotone, Rufuria, Rakira, and Fa went shopping for supplies, they had a few detours. Kotone and Fa decide to buy some limited-edition scones with popo fruit. The girls seem to like it, although Rufuria seems reluctant at first.

Of course, the fun starts when Kotone sees a cute outfit on display in the shop’s window. She thinks Fa looks adorable in it. It resembles Kotone’s usual uniform or a Japanese pop idol outfit. Yep, Fa gives in after Kotone insists as she attempts to undress, and Kotone has to stop her.

Eventually, Fa tried it out, and she looked cute, like a pop singer. Given how adorable Fa is, maybe she will make a popular pop idol. However, when she did a spin, as Rufuria suggests, they saw her panty thanks to Fa’s tail getting in the way. She must cut a hole for it to fit. Kotone tried it on, but it didn’t quite fit her chest. That is the struggle that busty women face with their chest not fitting certain dresses.

Of course, it’s cute to see Rakira trying on a sheep hat. As expected, Kotone went with a full bear head full face, which looks scary. Fa tried on some bunny ears as well. What I find funny is that Rakira tries to get Rufuria some cat ears and talk like a catgirl, but she doesn’t seem to want to. After all, she wants to look cool, although she likes cute things secretly. The funny thing is that Rakira says the magical words to make it happen. Yep, Rufuria was cute.

When Kotone saw the price of the outfit, she didn’t know it was that expensive. Yep, it’s 3200 gold or 384,000 yen, which is a lot of money. It makes you wonder why it’s so costly. That is half of my monthly paycheck. In comparison, Kotone says it’s 11 months of rent. Too bad they don’t have “buy now, pay later.” Either way, someone bought this outfit and is wearing it as we see the next day.

The next day, a bandaged girl named Tasha, a thirteen-year-old student, is looking for a place without windows where nobody can find her. Of course, in two homes that Kotone and her friends showed didn’t quite work out for her. Finally, they visited a basement that might be a good place for her. However, she must use the main entrance on the street, which will not work. The second place they visited has a hidden passageway, but one needs to clear monsters every time to reach their home.

Eventually, Tasha trips and the bandages come off. I find Kotone’s reaction when she sees Tasha in that expensive outfit. Tasha is an idol singer that became very popular very recently. So I can see why she catches the attention of everyone, especially in that outfit. But, of course, she owns hundreds of these outfits.

Eventually, Kotone suggests a place with security to keep the fans out. Yep, it works out in the end, and Kotone got an autograph from her. Yep, Fa wants to see one of Tasha’s performances someday. I find it funny how Rufuria’s thought of singing and dancing led to the imagination of herself wearing cat ears and pars while wearing a Qipao because why not? Yep, I think Rufuria will become super embarrassed by that, though.

In the second half, Kotone woke up in the middle of the night, and Fa was missing. Yep, Kotone panicked when she tried to find Fa. She finds her in the burning forest. The mystery deepens as the dragon attacks a random area this time.

Is Fa that dragon that attacked, or is there something more to this mystery? Even after this, Kotone brushed this off as she doesn’t believe Fa is the dragon that attacked. I find it funny how the newspaper bushed this incident by focusing on a female heroine’s birthday celebration.

Their next client is a fortune teller, Casa. I find it interesting how she can read Kotone’s, Rufuria’s and Rakira’s fortunes perfectly. Yep, she found out that Rufuria likes cute stuffed animals and frilly outfits while Rakira is wearing red underwear. The funny thing is that Rakira accidentally flashed them after she tripped, and Kotone and Rakira saw them.
As expected, Casa did the girls’ work as she found a place that was her destiny. While the location is sketchy, she falls to the floor below and finds her future husband, to whom she becomes engaged. That last part doesn’t particularly interest me, but it’s impressive how Casa’s fortune became a reality.

Of course, Casa saw Fa’s fortune, but she didn’t seem to reveal it to Kotone. Instead, she hands her a necklace with a gem supposed to give her good luck. Still, I am curious about what Casa is hiding from Kotone about Fa and what the necklace does. She provides her this while saying that Kotone shouldn’t bear the weight of her secrets alone. The secrets are most likely what she witnessed about Fa and her possibly being a dragon.
Either way, Kotone doesn’t want to worry about this anymore. After all, Fa can’t possibly be the dragon, right? Regardless, the mystery deepens from the look of next week’s episode. As expected, there is a hot springs scene.
Fun and lovely clients as always.
Rakira and Rufuria’s couple jokes are wonderful and the main story development remains interesting especially with it being clear Kotone will play a huge part in the climax.
Agreed on that part, although I won’t mention that part with Casa, but her fortune telling skills are great. Also, Tasha is cute.
Yes, I can’t get enough of Rakira and Rufuria and they are a very enjoyable pairing. Still, curious about what will happen to Fa and Kotone’s role in it soon.