With Menou in a tough situation, will Akari manage to find a way out of this to save her?
Menou is in a tough situation. Without her scriptures, she struggles against the automa. Yep, Orwell seems to enjoy Menou struggling as well given that she now knows the truth. Also, things aren’t faring so well for Momo and Ashuna. When they finish off the monsters, it keeps regenerating, making it difficult to defeat.
With that, is this timeline screwed, especially when Akari is about to encounter the white stuff? Not so fast as she used her concept to manipulate time as her personality changes. Yep, she fears losing her memories of Menou that she decides to change some aspects of time. That includes making the priests that try to erase her mind disappear.

As expected, she also used her powers to make Momo go berserk. How, may you have asked? By making the ribbons that Menou gave to her during her childhood go bye-bye. When Momo finds out that her hair ribbons became charred, she got really upset. She decides to take it out on the dragon and started destroying the cathedral.
Of course, Momo practically reduced the cathedral into rubble for ruining her ribbons. In reality, it’s Akari that did it. Probably this is a good thing that Ashuna didn’t destroy them during their duel. Otherwise, she won’t have a good time.

Of course, Ashuna got a chance to destroy part of the Noblesse’s castle while destroying the worm-like creature once and for all. Yes, with her powered up sword.

It’s obvious why Akari did this. She wants to make it clear that Menou is hers and not Momo. This worked well that it threw a monkey wrench into Orwell’s plans. Not only that, Akari reunited with Menou, although she doesn’t seem happy that Akari won’t run away.

While Menou used the glass of blood behind Orwell, she took notice. Of course, Menou also summon a bunch of bubbles that she ultimately used to release it, but her attack failed. It gave her the chance to take away Orwell’s weapon. Sharing Akari’s ether to do an attack almost finished her, but it she merely caused a small injury of her. Yep, Orwell received protection from the magecraft in the cathedral itself.

The only thing that finished her off for good is for Menou to use Akari’s Pure Concept. This is where she took a glimpse of Akari’s mind as she receives her trust before waking up. With Akari’s Pure Concept, she used it to age Orwell so that she passes away from old age. Yes, the thing that she fought against has finally taken her life. As expected, the church covers this incident up because it looks bad. Not to mention, the number of crimes and sins they committed.

At the end of the next day, Momo seems down as she revealed what happened to her hair ribbons. Of course, Menou puts on new hair decorations for Momo as she becomes emotional. Yep, it seems that Akari’s trick to one up her rival didn’t quite work out in the end. After all, Momo is still in love with Menou. Still, this puts in perspective what kind of person Akari is.

In the end, it seems that Akari forgotten what happened before Orwell’s defeat, except for her affection for Menou. Menou believes that by going to the future and gaining Akari’s trust, she needs to be the one that kill her. That means time loops until she fulfills this mission. Either way, Akari hugs her after she woke up from a nightmare.

While Menou hugs Akari, we saw a glimpse of a failed timeline that Menou whitens away and disappears. Flare comes to try and finish her. Of course, Akari turned back time before that happened. This makes me wonder, how many times did she turn back time? Also, does it affect the other timelines in the world as well? The mystery deepens as Menou and Akari continues their adventure.
Akari’s notes from the magical devil queen sure came in handy.
Pink Hulk was most excellent. Hot princess was again turned on.
One day Menou will stop being oblivious or denying the two lovesick cuties pining for her.
Orwell shouldn’t have used the monkey’s paw to get her wish.
It’s quite obvious given the time traveling abilities, but it seems that Akari can’t remember what happened in the other timelines, besides her alternate personality.
Hopefully Menou will recognize their feelings, eventually. I guess it will take time. Aside from that, Orwell got what she deserved and it’s obvious karma will catch up to her, eventually.
And also probably Momo and Ashuna as well. Hopefully Akari won’t do the same thing with Momo’s new hair ties to try to one up her again.