Kotone and her friends are at a beach to find a house that the old man who gifted her a house. Also, we find out who is that dragon that is in the news.
That moment has finally come as Kotone and her friends end up going to a beach. Yep, it’s finally the beach episode time as they get to spend some time in paradise. Also, Fa got so excited over the idea of going to the beach that she took off her swimsuit to play in the water. Yep, it’s obvious how Kotone reacts to this.

As expected, it’s obvious how Kotone looks in hers. Of course, Kotone is amazed by how good Rufuria’s skin is. Yep, Rakira decides to lift her swimsuit showing her non-tanned areas as she becomes envious of Kotone getting too close to Rufuria. As expected, Kotone became flustered after seeing Rakira.

I find it funny how Rakira becomes jealous of how busty she is. I find it funny how she imagines having a huge bust as Kotone’s before realizing how much of a hindrance it would become.

Sadly, it seems that Kotone lost hope as she and her friends couldn’t find the house they are looking for. Yep, they pretended to play house, which is quite funny. It’s obvious that who will play the father, which is Rufuria while Rakira plays the mother. If it’s not that obvious how strong the Rakira and Rufuria pairing since last time.

Then again, shouldn’t it be Rakira being the father and Rufuria being the mother given how strong the former is? Fa came to that conclusion somehow. We also learn that Kotone has two little sisters that are twins that keep scolding her. Makes me wonder if we will see them in the future or not.

Eventually, Kotone and her friends find a crab that needs rescuing. They eventually ask about the house they are looking for. Yep, Mr. Crab refused to tell Kotone as it’s a secret, until Rakira threatens to cook it. Yep, she wants to have some crab and put some Old Bay spice on it. Thankfully, the crab gives in and tells them.

Of course, the girls must use a potion that allows them to breathe underwater. Sadly, the mermaid that made these potions passed away, which is probably why the owner gave the house away. Also, it appears that mermaids went extinct in this world due to humans hunting them. Yep, they are cruel and a tragic story. Still, it gives some nice world building at the very least.

While Kotone becomes disappointed that she can’t really use the house as their place, it now has a new owner. Yep, they made a contract with Mr. Crab. I find it funny that when he attempted to sign the contract, he cut it in half. He did the same to the floor plan, which is quite funny. At least the place has a new owner as Kotone’s dream must wait, for now.

In the second half. Kotone wakes up and finds out that Fa is sleeping outside in her underwear. Kotone eventually brings her inside until she saw a bunch of soldiers. Apparently, there is a dragon sighting and then, that dragon shows up at the RPG Real Estate office. Of course, the dragon threatens the girls as it wants a mansion for free with a lot of rooms. Is it the dragon that attacked the nearby towns? Of course, Rufuria wonders if it has to do with Fa as she demonstrated great power in the third episode.

They put up with his demands until Rakira had enough. She took her sword and attacked it. Yep, she defeated it easily since it’s not an actual dragon. In the end, the dragon is just a bunch of dango monsters. How they combined their bodies to become a powerful monster kind of reminds me of the Pokémon, Wishiwashi, which can combine to become a huge and vicious fish.

Apparently, they are looking for a place and they can’t find work and a place to live. They transform themselves into construction equipment to clean up the dragon’s mess. In return, they have a place to live. Of course, one of the dango mentions that it’s amazed by Fa’s ability to communicate with them. It mentions that the Dark Lord has the same ability.
As expected, Fa mistranslated it, which makes you wonder if she is hiding something. Is Fa the Dark Lord reduced to a young girl like Mao from Endro? I guess Satona probably knows something about her, which is why she took her in. We’ll eventually find out more about Fa’s true origins eventually.

Eventually, Satone noticed that Fa is acting strangely as she went into her room. It’s like she is in a trance before she snapped out of it. She decides to sleep with her while singing a lullaby. Either way, it becomes obvious that Kotone wants to be with her forever and ever. Makes me wonder if Satone and Fa will eventually reach the greatness of Rakira and Rufuria. Most likely.
A most excellent yuri beach episode. Need more of them this season. More than two to be precise.
Major development on the dragon plot and Fa’s secret. Most importantly KotoFa progression! Get pumped for more.
Yes, it’ was a good beach episode, although it’s not the whole episode. At least it’s something.
Hopefully we learn more about Fa, but it’s obvious that she is hiding something and one can’t be sure if she was the demon lord. Still, it’s nice to see Fa and Kotone getting some development.