Now, the girls at RPG Real Estate now have the task to find someone who will rent a haunted apartment. Yep, it’s very spooky indeed.
Apparently, a forest is on fire, and someone took a photo of dragon sighting. Of course, Rufuria happens to read about it. Apparently, Satona went with a bunch of soldiers to check it out. I wonder if this has to do with Fa since she resembles a dragon. Perhaps the dragon is looking for her, which might explain this. Fa does something that makes this connection clear.

As for the task on hand, it seems that Lily is a tough client for Kotone to find a house. None of the houses she showed fulfilled her needs. Rufuria breaks the scary news to Kotone. It seems that one of the residents at an apartment left because ghosts are haunting that unit.

Yep, Kotone becomes very scared. Of course, Rufuria doesn’t believe in ghosts, except she fears them. Yep, Fa grabbed her ankles and Rufuria became scared until she bops her on the head. As for Rakira, it’s basically like a zombie show as they keep coming as she slays them. At this rate, nobody is going to show that apartment or deal with the problem.

In the end up, they ended up checking the apartment out and it has a haunted atmosphere. Of course, Rakira thought there was a ghost as she took out the sword. It was the landlord. It’s not until Fa checked out a closet with a ghost in there that Rufuria and Kotone became scared. I find it funny how Fa manages to talk to it without it scaring her. As for Rakira, she pretended to become scared to become more girly. Still, I can see why the room is haunted. It’s near a cemetery.

When a teacup and pot floated and a ghost grabbed Kotone’s ankles, it was enough to scare the girls away. Somehow, after revising the listing saying it’s haunted, this is the exact place Lily is looking for. Yep, she wants ghosts for her dolls since she is a Necromancer. Sadly, with the war over, spirits decide to go to the afterlife instead of wondering and going into dolls.

In the end, it seems that Lily is happy with her new place as she managed to have enough souls to go into doll bodies. Yep, they are cute and even serve sweets and tea. They are also friendly and elegant dolls too.

I find it funny after Rufuria realized how cute soul possessed dolls are, she is not scared of ghosts anymore. That is of course Rakira make it seem that Rufuria’s Popotan can talk. Yep, Rufuria is not happy that Rakira is teasing her. Yep, I can’t get enough of Rakira and Rufuria, especially when they take a shower together and had cold sava tea. Also, Rufuria accidentally dressing into Rakira’s usual outfit was the cherry on top of the sundae. This is not too surprising given what happened last time.
Eventually, Rakira and Rufuria met Kotone and Fa as they needed to do something at the castle. Apparently, they need to pay a magic power levy for the new teleportation system. Fa, as expected is upset since it’s her day off

Of course, see the two government workers, Serah and Mona. Obviously, they are best buds and Serah seems worried of not enough people attending. As expected, they are short by 90,000 people. With that, Serah fears of receiving a punishment from Satona. I wonder, is Satona is that brutal? We know that she is Warrior, which makes everything worse. Of course, Mona is not allowing Serah to escape.

As for the magic payment, Rakira came back with no magic, Rufuria gave a good amount, and Kotone, despite being a witch/magic user, only gave a modest amount. Fa on the other hand, well, the mount a magic she gave was over 9000. As expected, she broke the machine.

At this point, it’s a running gag that Fa manages to mess things up or break things. I can see why Satona took her in, but at least she saved Serah’s bacon. Still, given that Fa might be a dragon, I have a feeling that she is connected to that dragon one way or another. Yes, given her powers. I can imagine that her parents or her mother is looking for her as they got separated. Either way, it’s nice to see the warp system finally up and the RPG Real Estate is about to receive more customers.
I love that Rakira enjoys teasing her girlfriend and with the right bribe can shower together.
The major plot slowly but surely appears.
Cultured Moe anime rule.
Hopefully, but it’s nice that Rufuria and Rakira is going nicely. I have to admit that Rakira did a good job convincing Rufuria’s stuffed animal is talking and the shower scene is good.
Either way, it should be interesting to learn more about the dragon, which is probably related to Fa in some way.