As Menou and Akari head to Garm by train, with Princess Ashuna on the train, trouble is bound to happen.
You might be wondering, why Ashuna’s bodyguards are so reluctant to let her to board the train? It becomes obvious why as a bunch of terrorists decide to take over a train over a demand. They want Ashuna to release the captured terrorist leader or the train crashes. I find it funny how the terrorists took out the guards. Not too surprising given how Menou took out the guards of the Noblesse quite easily.

As expected, the terrorists are dumb and didn’t notice there were priestesses on board. While one of the terrorists demands Menou to give up her scriptures and undress, Akari decides to undress to protect Menou.

Of course, that guy didn’t mind for obvious reasons until Menou decides to beat the crap out of the terrorists and disarmed them. Still, it seems that Menou is not happy that Akari decides to protect her when she is fine on her own, Of course, when Menou leaves to beat up more terrorists, Akari seems worried as she doesn’t want to get left behind.

Of course, Momo tortured the crap out of the terrorists in her train to get information on them. Apparently, there are terrorists in the train where Ashuna is and in the front of the train.

When Momo is about to head to the engine room, it appeared at Ashuna already took them out. Then, she decides to challenge Momo to a duel. It’s what you expect as they obviously don’t get along and have beef against each other, Either way, Ashuna seems to have awfully a lot of interest in Momo that she challenges her to a fight. She becomes amazed by Momo’s fighting skills. Of course, Momo doesn’t seem to like her at all.

When Menou got to the engine room, it seems that Ashuna took the terrorists out. Apparently, the terrorists have a gambit of their own. They sacrifice themselves to summon the Primary Color Red Armor Knight. Without any backup since Momo is fighting against Ashuna, Menou struggled. That is until the knight damaged the control valve, causing the train to go out of control.

Eventually, Akari feels a funny sensation and wondered what it is. Of course, Ashuna and Momo noticed. That is when Akari came in and Menou must protect her. Menou eventually manages to defeat the knight by taking control of it and having it self-destruct, using more ether than she hoped. Either way, it seems that she is not happy that Akari came in. Still, it’s understandable given how worried she was.
Now, this leaves Menou stopping the train before it collides with another and derail it. With Menou borrowing Akari’s ether, she managed to stop the train. Apparently, Menou can borrow ether from someone else without inflecting pain given her dark past. Either way, with her magic and borrowing Akari’s ether, they managed to stop the train.

Even after what happened, it appears that Menou notices something strange. She wondered if there is a timeline, they failed to stop the train and Akari’s time traveling powers activated. It could be a possibility given the strange sensation. Either way, the mystery deepens on what Akari’s pure concept entails. Given this, it seems that Akari and Menou might have created a time paradox if there are multiple failed timelines.

Meanwhile, it seems that Momo becoming frustrated by Ashuna’s desire to continue her challenge with her. I wonder if she managed to escape as they need to get to Garm. I wonder, why Ashuna wants to go there? Will Momo and Ashuna become a thing? I guess we’ll eventually find out along with that ceremony to “eliminate” Akari, or rather bring her back to her world.