With Futaba finally finding her resolve with fishing, she wants to drag Aiko along. You might be wondering, how does she do it?

At last, Koi brings Futaba to do summer homework. Yep, Hiyori seems to like how adorable Futaba is. I find it funny how Hiyori fights over doing science or humanities first. I find it funny how Koharu shows off her English skills and challenges Koi to a duel. Koharu is pretty good at it, until she tripped up when Koi asks what kind of drink is in her cup. Yep, Koharu ends up saying it’s mugi tea when the correct answer is barley tea. I got a good laugh out of that one as Hiyori finds it funny how Koharu says it.
During the break, Futaba wants to try fly fishing. Believe it or not, Hiyori mentions numbers, which is meant for how heavy the line is. The line weight depends on what fish you want to catch as Koi explains. Yes, she mentions that America uses grain instead of grams for line weight, which causes Koharu to bring up mugi. As expected, Hiyori laughed. I wonder if this will become a running gag.

Futaba finally mentions her friend, Aiko. It’s obvious that she wants to tell her about her fishing hobby, but she doesn’t know how. The girls decide on going to an amusement park that has a pond for fishing. Yep, I find it funny how Koharu thinks it’s a con to get Aiko to fish. Either way, they agreed to it and Ichika tagged along as Aiko came along with Futaba.

Aside from the girls having fun at the amusement park, Ichika wants to have lunch. Of course, Aiko mentions the place that cook the fish one catches. Yep, she seems interested in trying fishing. Surprisingly, she manages to catch a fish after getting a bite. I find it funny how she freaks out when the fishes flip around on her hook. Koharu finds her reaction cute despite reacting the same way. Thankfully, she is not scared after her catch got cooked.
At the aquarium, Aiko mentions that she wants to make an accessory. When looking at fishes, Aiko mentions that she enjoys playing outside and fishing for fish. Apparently, Aiko already knows about it and seems okay with it. Aiko wonders if she is forcing her hobbies onto Futaba although she seems okay.

Still, it’s nice that Aiko admits that she is okay with Futaba’s interest, and she can do whatever she wants to do. That is while holding hands. I think Futaba and Aiko might make another good pairing like with Ichika and Kaede. Even so, it’s heartwarming to see Futaba give her a necklace as a present. Yep, Ichika became emotional and it’s apparent that Koharu wants the same reaction from Hiyori.

As expected, Koharu is not satisfied as she didn’t get to fish enough. With that, Hiyori mentions fishing at a mountain stream that is near her grandmother’s place. Yep, Futaba and Ichika came along as Hiyori teaches Futaba how to do fly fishing. Koharu wants to try fly fishing after improving her skills. Thankfully, Koi gave some pointers, so the fish won’t become guarded and won’t bite the hook. Koharu is not used to pulling up the line.

Of course, Koharu comes up with the idea of throwing an actual wedding. After all, their parents only had a special dinner for their marriage. After Ichika suggests Hiyori and Koharu to do something special, Koharu decides to catch 4 fishes. Yep, she made it happen after a few tries.

Yep, the so-called wedding is just some flowers and cooking a special dinner and cake. On the next day, Hiyori wonders if it’s okay not to have an actual wedding. Either way, it seems that their parents are satisfied by what Hiyori and Koharu threw together. Aside from that, it’s nice to see that Futaba finally find a resolve with her hobbies and it’s good at Aiko is okay with it. I have a feeling that they will make a nice pairing, like with Hiyori/Koharu and Ichika/Kaede.
Futaba is growing up and may have found a future girlfriend in Aiko.
The wedding dinner was lovely.
It:s good that there is yet another pairing, but it’s good that there is resolve to Futaba’s hobbies worries.