Now that Jahy managed to stop Su-chan and the Demon Lord, the Owner throws a farewell party. Well, how things go?
As expected, the Owner managed to repair her pub thanks to the battle between the Demon Lord and Su-chan. Thankfully, the damage wasn’t serious as Ryou takes her someplace. Yep, she brought Jahy to the pub as the Owner throws a surprise party congratulating Jahy for her new store. She completely forgot about it until she remembers. I find it funny how she has a problem with Su-chan since she is the reason for being in this situation.

The funny thing is that Druj came to discuss plans for Jahy’s new restaurant. Of course, she picks a very expensive place. Jahy decides to have her manage it to get her out of her ear. Not to mention, Jahy seems to have second thoughts about quitting after the battle last time. She ultimately decides not to quit, showing how much Jahy has loosened up.

With that, this leaves the festival festivities in the marketplace. As Jahy heads to works, she ran into Kokoro. She thought that the shrine carrying thing is stupid, until she overhears the prize that she might get by doing it. Yep, she goes for it, especially when two young boys bad mouthed Jahy and Kokoro. Yes, she puts so much to beat the boys at their game. Yes, it’s funny to see Ryou’s reaction to seeing Jahy participate in the children’s shrine carrying thing.

The funny thing is that Jahy ends up winning. Yes, the boys end up apologizing to Jahy and Kokoro. Either way, this shows how much she defrosted since coming to the human world. When she opens the prize, it was filled with toys, which Jahy deems useless. Still, I find it funny to see Ryou’s reaction of taking the prize in a contest for kids despite being a grown adult.

In the third segment, Saurva attempts to find Jahy so she can defeat her. The funny thing is that Saurva gets distracted by the temptation of the festival activities. Yes, its thanks to the Owner, which Saurva looks up to. She eventually runs into Ryou, which she becomes scared of. Surprisingly, she helped her with the drumming.

Believe it or not, Saurva got so into the festivities that she participated in the parade and had a blast. Of course, she sees Jahy, who not only messed up her name, but ridiculed the outfit Saurva was wearing. Yep, her attempt to defeat Jahy has failed with even more humiliation.
In the last part, the Owner and Ryou wondered where Jahy went. She eventually sees Jahy eating food with Kokoro on the hill. Eventually, Owner, Ryou, Su-chan, Demon Lord, Kyoko, Druj and Saurva came to Jahy. Yep, they came to see the fireworks with her.

As expected, Jahy seems to enjoy life in the human world that she forgot about rebuilding the dark realm. I guess she is finally getting it good in the human world, at least for now.
Final Impressions
As expected, Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai is an enjoyable slice of life comedy. It’s not too surprising since Jahy, a demon girl must face the difficulties most young people face these days. Yes, having hardly any money and having to work long hours to make ends meet.
Of course, it’s funny to see Jahy’s failure, mostly due to her pride. She ends up making progress after doing good things. The funny thing is that this gets negated after she becomes a jerk. Thankfully, after she fights the magical girl, her fortunes finally improves although she eventually loosens up.
The funny thing is that while I find the antics like Jahy cursing out the magical girl and Saurva’s failed attempts to defeat Jahy, I find it funny how Jahy’s situation is due to one unfortunate event. Either way, it created a lot of funny and comedic moments and Jahy growing her own female harem. Either way, it’s going to be awhile if they decide to make a 2nd season. Still, if you like slice of life comedies with a supernatural twist, most will enjoy this show.
My favorite comedy of the season and one of my favorite shows of the year. Love me some Big Sexy Jahy, Druj and to my surprise, Kyoko. Kokoro is precious and must protect worthy. The battles were surprisingly good too.
Would love more from this series. If not then the “Perfect oppai lover” yuri manga getting an anime.
Agreed, the characters were very enjoyable. Still, I think it will be awhile since they basically adapted like most of the available chapters/volumes.