With Himeno hard at work at making something special worthy for the shelf, I wonder what she came up with?

The main reason I didn’t share my thoughts on the 11th episode is because there is not much to talk about. It’s just Himeno hard at work on the pottery wheel making the mugs. What surprises her friends is that Himeno messes up one of the mugs and decides to do it over. Moreover, she is also not paying attention as she works the wheel and noticed that her friends are watching. Yep, this shows that she is becoming more confident.

Of course, from this, Mika still feels the sense of jealousy after seeing Himeno. Touko reassures her that this feeling means that she acknowledges Himeno even more. Hopefully this means that Mika will become better friends with Himeno. Yep, words of wisdom from Touko as always.

With that, this leaves the 12th episode where it started to snow as Himeno fires her creations. It turned out well after she took them out and everyone seems to like the feeling of the works that came out of the kiln.

With that, she invited her friends, Mami, and Jimena to the café for a celebration party. This is where she showed off her works. She eventually made the big reveal of the work that ended up on the special shelf. Yep, she put the Japanese set that Jimena made on display. This is surprising since her father made the spot for her. I guess by putting someone else’s works there, Himeno relieves the burden from the pressure. Either way, she learned well as she shows the mugs that matches everyone’s personality. Hopefully someday, she will make something that she can become proud of.
Final Thoughts
As expected, the second season is more of the same goodness of the first season. This time, it’s focused on Himeno’s journey to create something worthy for that shelf. Also, it was nice to learn more about the pressures Touko faces from her grandfather and family. She eventually overcomes her pressures to make something she is proud of. Of course, Jimena is a nice addition and it’s rare to see a Latina character in anime.
Of course, there are nice moments with Naoko and Himeno. I felt that this pairing grew the most and it’s obvious that Naoko has a thing for her. Yes, she even records videos of Himeno and takes pictures of her. That to say there weren’t nice moments with Touko and Mika, but not as many compared to the first episode. Still, at least she gets her own moments.
More pottery girls goodness. Best parts were Himeno and Naoko’s deepening relationship along with Touko’s arc and Ximena.
It’s always nice to see more Himeno and Naoko development. I agree that Jimena is a nice addition, especially since she is voiced by a certain voice actress.