As Kukuru is given a decision to become an attendant again, does she take the offer. Also, Fuuka considers entering the training program, but she is not sure if she can leave Kukuru behind.
At the beginning of the episode, the owner of Tingaara announced a new training program opportunity that happens for two years. After all, the owner is planning to create a research laboratory at the aquarium called the USTD project. With that, he wants to pick two people for a two-year training course at Waihana Aquarium in Hawaii. When they come back, the laboratory will finally be built, and they will be part of the team there. Yes, it’s kind of a bad name but it’s bound to happen.

Since Fuuka gained an interest in environmental issues in the sea, she wants to learn more. However, since the training opportunity is overseas, she is not sure if she wants to go without Kukuru. She decides to put in her entry anyway after Kaoru suggests that she should go for it. Still, it’s surprising that Kukuru didn’t take up the offer. Then again, given how skilled she was as an attendant as she worked with her grandfather, she probably won’t get much from it.

Eventually, the owner of Tingaara calls Kukuru into his office. He asks if Kukuru wants to transfer. From the conversation, she didn’t take the transfer offer. Still, we learn about Kukuru’s a-hole boss and why he acts like an insufferable a-hole.
Apparently, he oversaw an aquarium that gone under and the guilt over what happened to the animals afterwards. Sure, this situation sounds very familiar to Kukuru’s, but it doesn’t really give him the reason to act like an a-hole. To me, the show wants me to become sympathetic towards him after he treated Kukuru poorly. No, he won’t get any sympathy from me for obvious reason since this is just a copout reason. I just hope that Kukuru gets better at her job so she can replace him as assistant director. One can dream of this I suppose.

Besides that, Kukuru get to see the penguins that were at Gama Gama. Yep, she reunited with Choko. While Kukuru had dinner at the restaurant, it’s obvious that she doesn’t want Fuuka cook for her. Of course, Undon reveals that Fuuka is worried about Kukuru. Maybe this can explain Fuuka’s hesitancy to enter the program. Even so, Fuuka did the presentation anyway and surprisingly got the position. Believe it or not, she dressed up as a dolphin for her presentation.

Of course, Fuuka seems uneasy as she sits on the beach. Kukuru reveals her intentions that she is staying in marketing. Quite surprising given what she went through, but she has a goal of using it to gain the skills to protect animals.

The surprising thing about this, is how much Kukuru has grown and Fuuka is in the same spot as Kukuru in the first half. She is not sure if she can go overseas to train without Kukuru. This time, Kukuru will take the roll as older sister as she waits for Fuuka to return. Of course, we see the supernatural moment with the dolphin as it finally able to go out to sea to find its family. This is a sign for Fuuka to go for her new dream as Kukuru will be waiting for her return. Afterwards, Fuuka and Kukuru hold hands.

Either way, I hope the last episode won’t ruin this by throwing a curveball with Kai after all this development between Fuuka and Kukuru. This wouldn’t make sense as he is a very minor character with hardly any development. Plus, the show basically threw him under the bus after his usefulness as a punching bag is over. Either way, we’ll find out soon enough what happens next.
Fuuka in that dolphin outfit was cute especially when she tripped right at the start of her presentation! As touching as her story was, I am not sure she should have won the contest. Plus, if she didn’t win then we would get to see Fuuka and Kukuru spend more time together which would have been great! Because of that I don’t how to take this development of her leaving…
What I will say is that I feel there will need to be a time skip of sorts as it is hard to imagine a season finale without Kukuru and Fuuka reconnecting and maybe, just maybe, tying the knot! 😛
One thing that does make me wonder is if Kukuru will develop a relationship with Kai. It has been hinted…
As for the boss, I think his backstory seemed like an afterthought and was thrown in to try and redeem his character somewhat. Not buying it as he lacked compassion throughout this series. If he really felt bad for the animals, why did he not make this point more explicit in the series and more important, show a little more empathy towards Kukuru’s passion for sea life? I agree with you; it is a copout!
Yes, Fuuka really look cute in the dolphin outfit, but her interaction with the presentation was enough to get her in the program. Still, it’s nice to see Kukuru return the favor to Fuuka. Hopefully there is something good if there is a time skip. We don’t need Kai shoehorned into it.
I agree that they pretty much shoehorn the boss redemption arc, I’m not buying it as actions speak louder than words.
Similar climax to the first half with the difference being how far the girls had come, especially Kukuru. Hopefully they end the show with a bang, not a whimper. They’re almost there.
Hopefully they won’t disappoint us in the last episode. Hope for the best.