With Saurva receiving new superpowers from a mysterious light, is it enough for her to defeat Jahy? Given her track record, I’m not having much hope.
As expected, Saurva receives new superpowers from a strange light. It’s not too surprising that Saurva feels empowered. Of course, her uniform changes to a light blue color, but she doesn’t notice. She notices some new abilities such as jumping in the air and finding mana crystals. Of course, she doesn’t care about those. She is focused on defeating Jahy.

Of course, her match against Jahy, it goes what we expected. Jahy doesn’t know her name and thinks her outfit is cosplay. I find this hilarious how Jahy forgot about Saurva, but then again, she is probably oblivious to it. Eventually, Saurva becomes excited when Jahy is about to say her name, except when she forgot.

That is until Saurva starts tearing up and revealing her name. She takes out her sword of light. It almost looks as if she is about to defeat Jahy as she stabs her in the stomach. Of course, Jahy didn’t feel any pain, but feel a bit better. In fact, the sword has a healing effect on the opponent.

It becomes apparent that the light powers Saurva received can’t hurt anyone. I guess one can’t use the being of light’s powers to do evil. What is funny is Saurva realizes her clothing changed colors as she cries and runs away as Jahy reveals her true powers. Sadly, she didn’t ask Saurva about the being of light. Either way, I guess failure is always an option for Saurva.

In the next segment, Jahy notices that Kokoro is avoiding her. This gets her worried if she said something mean. Ryou even notices that Jahy feels a bit down. When Ryou finds out that Jahy has a friend, she laughed at her. Ryou thinks Jahy got into a fight, and I find it funny how she points out Ryou’s grievances to her older sister, especially how she sleeps and her breast size.

Eventually, the Owner suggests Jahy to make up with her, and she did. Of course, Kokoro revealed that she had a bad tooth and avoided her, so she won’t get it. Either way, Jahy is happy that she won’t be losing a friend.
In the last half, Ryou and the Owner shared rumors about the ghost. Yes, the ghost that asked a man if he wants special powers. He became lured to him and before he knew it, his soul got pulled out and he became a ghost. Of course, Ryou mentions the strange noises next door to Jahy to the empty apartment. Either way, they are worried about Jahy, although she is not worried about the ghost.

Of course, Jahy becomes scared as she feels a presence of someone being there. She didn’t think much of it until strange noises happened and someone knocked on her door. Eventually she opened the door, and nobody is there. She ran away from the apartment when a strange light appeared asking her for powers. When Jahy decline, it becomes apparent the light wants the mana crystal Jahy has. She thought she was done for until Druj appears to rescue her.

As expected, the ghost is the being of light. Yes, the one that tricked Kyoko into becoming a magical girl and collect all those mana crystals. Worried that the being of light taking control of Druj if she faces her alone, she decides to join the fight. Yep, it shows how much Jahy loosened up. Still, I wonder what the reason for the being of light hating demons so much to destroy the demon realm. We’ll find out soon enough.
Got to feel sorry for Saurva; always challenging Jahy, always failing to win! Only difference this time is she went for the frontal assault but she was powerless to stop her. What was also amusing in this encounter was the fact she thought she had won when Jahy got her name down. Who bets Jahy forgets whenever they next meet?
At this point I really think the demon lord is playing some big prank with that light thingy being her in disguise. I mean when you look closely it looks suspiciously like her and right at the end of the episode it began sweating when Jahy and Druj challenged her/it. Could be dead wrong about this but I willing to stick my head out for this one.
I guess she got her expectations from receiving the power of the light without realizing its limitations. I guess the only thing she accomplished is getting Jahy to remember her name, but I won’t be surprised if she forgets who she is after a while. Still, we’ll find out about the being of light and its motivates soon.
Poor Saurva can’t catch a break. At least she got a consolation prize.
Kokoro remains Jahy’s #1 harem girl.
Wonder if the truth of the light will be revealed next episode?
This proves that Saurva’s bad luck will continue, as long she tries to defeat Jahy. But I guess we’ll find out about that light soon.